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"WHAT!?" Midnight exclaimed. "Nezu are you insane?" Vlad king said. "we know nothing about him, he could be dangerous" the blonde haired male added. Killua hummed, mulling over the subject. It might be my best bet, however if I get exposed... "he's the right age by my estimations, and by the way he moves he obviously has potential. In return for helping him return to his world, he could protect our students " Killua blinked. "so that's what you want" he said. Nezu laughed. "partially, although there's one tiny catch" he said, holding up a finger. Eraserhead sighed. "this is all a game to him isn't it" he muttered.

"You have to come in the top three of the sports festival to get admission into the school" Nezu said. "it's dangerous to have the world know that tridimensional travel is possible, so you'll be labeled as a foreign exchange student. Oh and also- you'll be put with the most accident prone class, that means yours Aizawa" Eraserhead let out a long sigh. Killua pondered for a moment. I suppose that would be worthwhile. The work would keep me busy until my departure. "Deal"


Killua despised the uniform, it was hideous. He wasn't alone however, hundreds of other students were in the same uniform as him. They were in a stadium, surrounded by spectators. The crowd was roaring, it was very irritating. Nobody payed attention to him though, which was a plus. He was just a ghost. For now. He thought. In order to gain the favor of the principal, he had to get in the top three. Killua sized up the people around him, all of them seemed very weak. Although, that was to be expected. These were high schoolers. However he spotted a few that seemed to be more powerful than the rest.

Midnight lashed her whip, speaking into a microphone. "Now for the introductory speech!" Killua blinked. That outfit seems a bit too...out there, for a school event. Many of the students and people in the crowd alike seemed pretty smitten. "Let's hear it from Katsuki Bakugou!" the crowd fell silent as a spiky sandy blonde haired kid slowly walked onto the stage. Killua hadn't researched the competition explicitly, however he'd heard some rumors about someone named Katsuki. Ambitious, arrogant, hothead. He walked up with his hands shoved in his pockets, looking at the crowd with a deadpan stare. "I just wanna say, I'm gonna win"

There was an immediate uproar. Multiple people scolding him, yelling at him, and challenging him. However Killua was amused. That look in his eyes, it reminded him of someone. Bakugou made his way back down, people throwing hostile looks his way. "Now without further ado!" Midnight said, raising her whip in the air. "let the games begin!" a wheel spun on the screen, a blur of colors. "What could it be?" she asked, seemingly at the crowd. Killua sighed, this was getting boring. When's the action? The wheel stopped, landing on the words 'Obstacle race'

Midnight started explaining how the game worked, and Killua soaked up the information, then students ran over to the entrance. Killua stayed in the back along with a few other students. Sure it was important to get in the lead, but you didn't want to get trampled. Although, that's not why Killua had been staying back. Chances were, someone in that group would try to take advantage of the tight space and try to trap everybody. Killua was willing to take the risk of staying behind in case that situation occurred. He noticed several of the people glanced back at him in confusion but paid no mind.

As Killua predicted, there was a chill and ice spilled out from the tunnel, freezing dozens if not hundreds of students in place. "DAMN YOU ICY HOT BASTARD!" someone yelled. Killua started jogging through, the ice didn't really bother him. He was going at a moderate pace, so he was still behind slightly but slowly gaining even as the others were going full speed. Is this seriously it? He thought, glancing around. He was slowly gaining on the students in the lead, who seemed to be in combat with these giant robots. One fell, and there was a large commotion. Killua completely ignored the commentators, they weren't his focus. His focus was on the test ahead. He knew it could throw a twist, so he kept on his guard even though he was confident he could easily win this.

Killua watched his 'competition' and he had to admit some of them were more competent than he'd first thought. He also noticed one in particular who was being carried. He felt a chill down his spine as he looked into the lifter's eyes. It reminded him eerily of Illumi's needle people. Killua refocused on the falling robot ahead, leaping over the dust cloud and onto another robot. Killua leapt from robot to robot, letting out an electric charge to stun them for a few moments as he did. Once killua had cleared the robots he leapt back onto the ground effortlessly and kept going at that steady jogging pace.

As Killua kept going. He decided to activate zetsu again, he figured for this race he would only be using his strength from now on. Plus, it would be amusing if nobody saw me until right as I passed the finish line. Killua had felt eyes on him the entire time, he assumed Nezu's eyes were watching him closely as he gauged his skill. He eventually came to a sheer drop. There were pillars littered around inside, with rope connecting them. Killua didn't slow at all, he just started jogging across the ropes. He angled his feet in a way that allowed him to keep his balance. The annoyingly loud commentator didn't seem to notice it, as the show of confidence was not mentioned.

At this point, he was ahead of everyone except Todoroki, who wasn't that far ahead. They pillars ended and Killua kept his steady jog the whole time. Killua paused for a moment as he hit the edge, pondering his next course of action. Suddenly Bakugou blasted past, shouting. "BASTARD, YOUR DECLARATION OF WAR WAS TO THE WRONG PERSON!" he blasted an explosion at Todoroki, and they kept fighting as they ran. Killua decided to just keep jogging, although a bit faster than before. His sharp eyes could detect where the bombs were, so he could avoid them with ease. In moments he cleared the mind field, and crossed the finish line shortly after.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA IS IN THE LEAD!" the commenter shouted. Killua blinked. Huh? Suddenly, Nezu piped up. "actually, a student has already crossed the finish line, Mic" Killua chuckled, then deactivated Zetsu.

1117 words

To be continued...

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