chapter 2 obbyslay

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the joe joice store was hutsling and buslting on this wonderful thurs tay evenying. thustday is one of the joe jucie store's busiest days but its even busier today because the profesmr snape's potions class has take n a feild trip to buy joe juice postinons for the positisons class...

but also at the store that fateful  day was Y/N Y/n Y/N!!!!!!!! Y/L/N. she was the re to but some of her pown b8t she's dumb to have skipped class that day becaus ELO (Jeff Lynne) and behold, her class was there on a field trip! now she had to run with her new ly acwuiaredd joe jucie1!

as fate had it, just as she was running away, she bumpied da body done bombed into spencer G reid! ogh

she couldnt halp but notic3e how handsome this dood was but lalso didn't notice snape was fu coming up right right ehet behind them,

just taking a break to say goonifbt sorry to leave you on a cliffnanger but goognitb4 hanna the hamper ily get some sweet dreams and ponder about the universe

ok batck to the story

spencer weed steppd back and was baosltuy flabbergasted as she took in her appearn eace. her weezer colored hair (can be anny weezer color you can aimgine except for blonde cause theres not realy a blonde sorry unlesss weezer announces the blonde album tomottow). befoer he could say anything professor severus j snape splits them aprrt.

"MISF Y/N Y/N!" snap bellowed, he awas absolutely fumging. there were steamy storm y clouds coming outg dfo his hears. for fears. "i figured for feared you would have a godo excuse for missing my potions class but here you are, buyign all the joe juice and prohibiting our class form having a good field tri p experiende. waht do you  have to sa for yourself?"

Y/N codud, not speak. she wanted to but the worlds wouldd not dome out of her mouth. But spencedr had turnsd around, staring snae in the dark cold brookdnfg orbzaballs.

 "mind your own business or i will call the fbi. did you know thate, a million joe juices are made pers day and you will get your chance regardless of whetehr or not this beautifolo beautofl Y/N here buys them all."

Y/N was struck eith pumpkin juice and sudeen feelings for mr spencer reid even though andrew garfold was waiting at home. But whatever it was time to move on with yor without hsi notice.

" scandalous unless they want to be a throuepleorlefesiofdfdks..." (whateve r that mens) -ilove pickele rickl.

but snape, angery, pueleld out his want. "ASPARAGUS..."


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