The prank (finale)

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A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I've been busy with my outside life, so now that I've accomplished everything there, I'll make sure to write a lot more. :)

Third person

Day after day, time seemed to fasten. Nothing felt 'good', or 'blood pumping' anymore. The team lost the Fukurodani match, but most importantly, they lost their beloved team member. The one who held the team together even in the worst of times.

Although, nobody speaks of that day, not a word of it. Maybe they should've denied it when they were asked to join the prank. None of this would've happened if I had just simply declined that foolish prank.

Bad thoughts start to interfere with my head so I take a deep breath and gulp down some water. This wasn't gonna be a problem the whole day, though. I have to go to the store to get groceries, maybe that'll help take my mind off of it.

I skim from aisle to aisle as I come to a sudden stop. I knew who I was locking eyes with and it couldn't be mistaken.


The person who had been staring at me flinched at the name and started to run, therefore leaving the store out of panic and not paying for his groceries.

"Hey wait, come back!" I said as loud as I could. They wouldn't stop, but lucky for me I'm pretty fast at running, so it doesn't take long to catch up.

I grab the person by the shoulder and they turn around, only to reveal a certain ginger-haired boy. "Let me go!" He yelled. I looked at his face for a while, and when he noticed, he jolt backwards, trying make a run for it again. Though, I grab his other shoulder. "Where the hell have you been?!"

I guessed that I frightened him, because he stared at me with wide eyes. Hearing something drop, I fixate my head on the ground, searching for the source of what had just made that sound. Shoyo had crouched down to grab the item that so suddenly fell to the ground.

I realize what position we are in, and people start to draw attention to us. Shoyo glances up at me, and his face heats up.

"We should go." I suggest. He nods and grabs out his wallet. "This time, I'm paying." He says.

"I have my own money, y'know, and I'm getting more stuff than you." I retort, but he's too stubborn to let me pay for all of that.

We walk out of the store in sync, and I finally get the confidence to ask, "Do you wanna stay over at my place tonight?" He stares at me for a few seconds. "As in, like, a sleepover?" He says.

"Yeah! Kind of like that." I say.

"Alright, I'm down!"

He jumps up excitedly, as he can barely wait to get there. He hadn't gone to..a lot of sleepovers, per-say.

My face heats up at the idea of what we might do at my house. Maybe we'll watch a movie and..cuddle or something. But then again, he doesn't think about that stuff, he only thinks about volleyball.

"Also, I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

I was caught off guard, but I soon understood.

"It's alright, you had a point. I shouldn't have grabbed you like that, even if I wanted to.."

We arrive at my house, so I fiddle in my pocket for the keys while Shoyo is running away from a bee. Walking up to the door, I grab the right key and unlock it. The door is really old, so whenever I open it, it manages to creak.

Shoyo is probably still running away from that disturbed bee, so I go outside to look for him, and instantly spot him sprawled out on the grass, snoring. I take him over my shoulder and head inside the house, using my foot to shut the door behind me.

I set him on the couch and try to wake him up, keeping in mind that he's a heavy sleeper. "Shoyo," I say, and he turns to face towards the wall. "Shoyo, wake up." He rotates again and his eyes flutter open, revealing his mesmerizing amber eyes, slightly the same ones as mine.

We spend the rest of the day talking and practicing our receives, until darkness started to spread across the horizon.

"So, uh, what do you wanna do?" I ask, and it comes out more awkward that I expected it to be.

"Oh, we can watch a movie!" He says, clearly way too excited.

"50 Shades of Ga-" I clear my throat. "-gray?" I recommend.

"What's that?" He tilts his head to the side in confusion. My jaw drops immediately.

"You haven't watched 50 Shades of Gray?!"

"I mean, uhm, I've heard of it, but I just haven't seen it yet." He shuffles his feet as he talks.

"We can watch it if you'd like." I say, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to unsee the movie.

"Okay," He hesitates, "is it good?"

"..Yeah, why, Sho?" I gasp in my mind at the fact I just called him Sho. He doesn't seem to mind though.

"Well, no reason." He shrugs.

"Alright, did you want a snack as well? I don't want you to get bored."

"Nah, I'm good."

"..Okay." I turn on the movie, and we both watched, not quite getting to the good parts yet before he drifted to sleep again. He seems to be a bit more tired than usual.

"Shoyo?" I whisper, making sure he is actually asleep, before actually turning off the movie and going to sleep as well. And no, I did not forget about that reckless prank my teammates had planned. I'd have to talk to them about it later.

The sunlight peaks through the window, and practice was today. Though, I didn't want to wake Shoyo up. He needs some time away from our teammates, (except for maybe Sugamama and dadchi).

1014 words

Thank you for reading :)

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