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"Third POV"

Y/n was just getting ready to leave, making sure everything was where it should be before locking the door and leaving. Y/n sipped on her Iced Mocha. "Ahh, the weather sure is nice..." she thought to herself. Walking home from Cafe ADOR was one of her favorite things to do, something about walking along the pavement, with the street lights just warmly falling onto you, casting shadows on the pavement. Everything felt... peaceful. Ever since that incident 3 years ago.


"Y/n, Baby let's go your dad and mom are waiting for you!"

"Okay okay, I'm done jeez."

Everyone took their seats in the car and decided to start jamming to music.

The atmosphere was amazing, with Y/n's Family enjoying music and driving to the beach for an outing. But it's just this that caused Y/n's dad to not pay attention to that big truck not hitting the brakes even when it was the red light. And then tragedy struck... Y/n and her mother were the lucky ones out of the four. The other two, were never to be seen again...

It took Y/n 2 years to walk out of it and accept the fact...

*back to the present*

While walking along the road, She saw a family of four, happily eating Ice cream and laughing at their jokes. Tears slowly welled up in Y/n's eyes. She jerked and wiped her tears. "Aishhh, Y/n stop being weak, it's been 3 years." 

Y/n turned towards her secret spot. It's always been her go-to spot to go to when she feels down. Upon reaching the park, she went to the swings, but when she arrived she realized she wasn't alone.

Haerin was casually eating her ice cream while on the swings. Y/n frowned upon seeing her secret spot being not so secret anymore. She pouted and was going to walk away when she felt that familiar tug at the helm of her shirt. She turned around and saw Haerin looking at her.

"Hey.. what are you doing alone out here??" Y/n asked awkwardly, trying to get away from Haerin. But as expected, Haerin just quietly stared into Y/n's eyes while eating her ice cream.


Sigh.... my secret spot isn't that secret anymore huh? I guess everyone can use it so it really isn't mine... I looked up and the sight almost made me burst into laughter. Haerin was eating her ice cream but one thing and that was she was making a big mess of herself, there was ice cream everywhere in her mouth. Her cat-like eyes continued to stare at me while I rummage through my bag for a tissue.

"Haerin, come closer." With that, Haerin came closer, too close actually, our noses almost touching. I jumped back in surprise and tried to splutter words out but I just saw her continue to stare at me. I went closer to a comfortable distance and started wiping her mouth while holding her chin.

Haerin just stared into my eyes while I clean her. "I thought cats were clean freaks? Looks like you only look like a cat huh?" I muttered under my breath. After I was done, Haerin threw the finished stick on the ground and held on onto the sides of my face with both of her hands.

"What's going on? Is she going to kiss me? I'm not ready for a relationship!"

A thousand thoughts passed through my mind as I close my eyes afraid of what was going to happen. But all Haerin said was, "You're sad. Why are you sad?" I was shocked, "No? I'm not sad, I'm happy! Look I'm smiling!"

Haerin shook her head, "Your eyes aren't smiling." she pointed out. Shit, I got found out... I just ignored what she said and walked away. Haerin continued to follow me, asking what was wrong, refusing to give up.

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