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After the escapade on the space on the roof level, I pull Haerin back to class. Danielle ran up to us, "Haerin! What happened? why did you run off?? Thanks Y/n, but next time I got it."

Hm? Danielle emphasized "I got it" a little too heavily as she stared into my eyes. I brushed it off and just nodded, returning to my seat while Danielle obsessed over Haerin. I could tell Haerin wanted to follow me but I decided against pulling her as Danielle was her closest friend and I was just a classmate.

After a while, Mrs. Lee came back with Byul, Aebi, and Yuna. She made the three girls apologize to Haerin. "We're sorry for what we did classmate Haerin. Please forgive us."

"As of their punishment, they are given two weeks suspension and after that, they shall return to school and clean the toilets for 2 months."

Mrs. Lee claimed as she instructed the three girls to take their belongings and were sent back home. Before they left, I could hear Byul whisper something to Haerin which made the girl avert her gaze. I try to eavesdrop on what was said but Byul walked away. Well, it doesn't matter, with me here no one can touch Haerin.

Wait... I'm the student council president so it's only right for me to protect a fellow classmate right? If it wasn't Haerin but anyone else I would do the same too right...? Hm! Yes! that must be it!

"Y/n, you're in charge of Haerin from now on, guide her to catch up on our syllabus and she will be in your group for the project. I'll make an exception for it to be a two-person group. Don't worry, I'll grade you both fairly.

Haerin, if you have anything you're unsure of, make sure to ask Y/n okay? You're her responsibility and if anything happens to you, the school will look for her."

Mrs. Lee said in front of the whole class before dismissing us. Nice! A short day in school. Looks like I can go to Cafe ADOR and clock in extra hours! But now that Haerin became my responsibility, I'm unsure whether I should be happy or sad... Well, it's whatever, We shall see as we go.

Minji and Hanni came to my table and ask if I wanted to hang out at Cafe ADOR for some waffles and i quickly agreed. I shoved everything into my bag and stood up to leave before I felt a tug at my sleeve. I looked at the person when I saw Haerin, looking at me with those cat-like eyes.

"I-I-I wanna come...."

Heh? I was confused. Shouldn't she follow Danielle and her sister? What's with the sudden reliance on me? I furrowed my eyebrow but nodded. She gave a gentle smile and tried to pack everything. I gave a chuckle and helped her pack, our hands touched when I was reaching for her sketchbook and I felt electricity run through my body. Were that sparks? But I shouldn't touch her sketchbook, it looks like her prized possession and it means a lot to her.

She was done packing and she was following us out the door when Danielle called after her. "Haerin? I thought we were going to make cookies and watch a movie at my house. Where are you going?"

Danielle moved to drag her back but Haerin tried to get out of her grip. It seems as though Haerin refused to follow her. I don't know what came over me but I looked Danielle straight in the eye, removed her hands from Haerin's wrist, brought Haerin behind my back, and confronted her, "Danielle, it's clear she doesn't want to follow you. She's human too, she can make her own choices. Now if you would kindly excuse us."

I drag Haerin by the wrist and walked out of the room and out of school as fast as possible. Minji and Hanni followed, "Hey princess, wait up, what's the rush?? Look at your girlfriend, she can't catch up too."


"She's not my girlfriend!" I started as I glare at them both. They made an "I surrender" pose and continued walking. Before I could walk any further, I felt that usual tug at my sleeve and I knew immediately it was Haerin. I look at her and saw her point to her wrist shyly.

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