Do the right thing

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Mr. Williams mansion 
Sitting on the couch in the living room, Tracy plays nervously with the tip of her fingers, while having her heart beating rapidly against her chest. 
She has just received a call from her dad, and he informed her that her mom would soon be here since she had to make her journey quick and come back for her after she heard that Ren is going to call off the engagement. 
The sound of her ringing phone pulls her attention and glancing at the screen her stomach grumbles in anger and disgust. Seeing his name displayed on the screen of the phone makes her so angry. How the hell did she suddenly hate this man so much? 
"Hello," His dull voice sounds through the phone as soon as she answers the call, and she rolls her eyes nervously. Although she's going to be scolded by her mom later, she doesn't regret any of her actions. She can't possibly spend the rest of her life being stuck with a cheat, right? Getting married to him will be the worst nightmare anyone can ever imagine. 
"Hello," She replies sarcastically, rolling her eyes as if he can see her. 
"How're you feeling now?" He asks with concern resounding in his voice, but sadly, his voice doesn't move her again. At least not anymore. She doesn't give a damn if he cares about her again or not. 
"Hmm," She hums as she nods her head. 
"Have you taken your medication yet?" He asks, after a long silence, and she nods her head. 
"Hmm," She hums as she nods her head. 
"I don't know what to talk about, honestly... Can I see you? Just for once, please," His weak voice sounds through the phone, and she slowly clenches her fist and chews on her bottom lip. 
"No," She replies to him, her voice void of emotion. 
"Hmm..." He hums over the phone. 
"If you have nothing else to say, I'll hang up now," She says to him. 
"Hmm. Eat well, and make sure you rest much," His voice sounds over the phone, and she nods her head. 
"Hmm," She hums before she finally ends the call, and drops the phone on the couch, reclining on it afterward. 
"Are you OK?" Hearing her brother's voice and his footsteps descending the staircase, she glances at the young man in his early twenties, graced in red short trouser and a white top, his blonde hair is messy, yet look sexy on him. 
"I'm fine," She replies casually, releasing a deep breath. 
"Are you sad about what happened? I told you that you did the right thing. You don't love him anymore, and you shouldn't force things," The guy says, throwing himself on the couch opposite Tracy. 
"Will mom understand this, Tyson? Will mom understand that I don't love him? She keeps forcing me to get married to Ren for her selfish desire, and doesn't even give a damn about how I feel about this whole situation," She complains as a drop of tears slid down the corner of her cheek. Tyson is her younger brother, and the only sibling she has. They have been the best siblings all their lives, and they're always there for each other. 
"That woman is unbelievable. At times I ask myself if she's the one that gave birth to us. She's full of surprises," Tyson complains, running his fingers through his messy blonde hair angrily. The thought of his mom always sparks this anger in him. Does he hate her? Of course, not. She's his mom, and he can't possibly hate her, but thinking about the woman makes him so angry. She has ruined their lives all because she always wants them to do what she wants, and not what will make her children happy, and to worsen the situation, their dad never had a say in the family. That's horrible. 
"What are you going to do? Are you going to let her control your life, and throw you in the pit of hell?" Tyson questions and she shakes her head. 
"I already told Ren to call off the engagement, and he did already. Mom is on her way back here, and I'm in for some shit," She explains, and his eyes slowly widen in shock. 
"Wait, what! I thought she was supposed to be on a business trip that'll take her two weeks or more to get back. Why's she coming back now?" Confused and surprised, he questions. 
"Because of Ren..." She shrugs, and he groans as she grits her teeth. 
"That woman..." Tyson groans angrily. 
The door suddenly burst open, and Mrs. Williams barges in, looking so angry. Speak of the devil. 
"Welcome, mom..." Tracy's voice trails off as a hot slap lands on her cheek, rendering her eyes wide open in shock. 
Tyson springs up to his feet. 
"Mom!" He calls in surprise. 
"Stay the hell out of this, Tyson!" Mrs. Williams shuts her son up sternly, turning her attention to the shocked Tracy. 
"Mom, you slapped me?" She scoffs unbelievably, tears brimming in her eyes as she holds her burning cheek. 
"And I will slap you again if there's a need to. How dare you, bitch!" Mrs. Williams snaps at Tracy, and she feels her heart wrenched in pain. 
"How dare you think you can ruin what I have worked so hard for? How dare you, idiot!" Mrs. Williams snaps at her, and tears finally stream down her cheeks. 
"Now, mom, that's pretty extreme. What the hell was that?" Tyson chips in angrily, coming to stand between her and Tracy. 
"I told you to stay out of this, Tyson. This was all your fault, if you had not gotten yourself into trouble, Tracy and Ren would've been married by now..."
"And why the hell should I stay out of this? You can't keep treating us like a piece of trash, mom. What the hell do you think you're doing?" Tyson snaps angrily at the woman, letting out a scoff. For all these years, he has been quiet about everything this woman ever did, but not anymore. There's no way he would fold his arms and watch this woman ruin them again. 
"So what? Do you want to slap me? Do you want to beat me? Go ahead and do it, that's what you do always, anyway. Why do we have mothers, but never know how it feels like to have one? Why are you making us feel like orphans?" He yells at the top of his voice, venting out all his anger. There's no need to hold back anymore, because why the fuck should he? 
Mrs. Williams glares hard at her son angrily like she'll pounce on him anytime soon, but she tries to hold back. 
"I heard mothers will always do anything to make their children happy, on this notion, I don't think you're to be called a mother..." Following his last words, Mrs. Williams sends a hot slap to his cheek, making him turn his face away. 
"Mom!" Tracy chips in again, pulling Tyson behind her. 
"Don't hurt Tyson. If you have anything, just take it out all on me. Don't involve him," She says. 
"Good. I don't care how you're going to do it, but I want you to get Ren back. For as long as I live, I will never watch you be with any other man aside from Ren," Mrs. Williams declares, and Tyson chuckles dryly. 
"Is that how desperate you are, mom? Is that how you were forced to get married to dad? If not, then you have no right to do this to my sister!" Tyson chips in, standing between them again, and glaring hard at his mom. 
"Do the right thing, Tracy," Mrs. Williams says to her, ignoring Tyson. And she walks wordlessly to the stairs, not sparing them another glance... 

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