Went to the hospital

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Chapter 44
Lilian POV
"Uhm... Don't worry, Ren... Nate is..." I pause when my phone starts ringing, and I excuse myself to answer the call.
"I've been waiting for ten minutes, aren't you coming out, or do you want me to come there and pick you up myself?" His voice sounds through the phone, and I gulp down nothing nervously.
"Hold on, Nate, I'll be there in a minute," I reply to him before I turn to go back to the living room after I end the call, but I flinch when I find Ren standing behind me with his hands in his pockets.
"Is that the Nate guy?" He asks, his eyes burning in rage.
"Hmm. He offered to take me to the hospital..."
"And spend the night there with you, isn't it?" He scoffs as he tilts his head sideways before he looks at me again. Seeing the angry look on his face, I can't but ask myself what the hell is wrong with him?
"I don't know. He just offered to drop me off at the hospital," I reply to him in a low tone that he can barely hear me, but he did anyways.
"Tell him I said that I'll go with you to the hospital," He says with finality in his voice before he turns and walks away, leaving me outside. What the hell am I going to do now? It'll be ungrateful of me to ask Nate to go since he has been there for me.
With confusion consuming me, I pick up my phone and text him to go, since I know I have no option. Barely five seconds after I sent the message, my phone suddenly beeps, and I check the screen.
'Alright then' was his reply, and I sigh briefly. He must be hurt by the message I sent to him, but it doesn't look like I have a choice at this point.
Ren and I finally leaves for the hospital a few minutes later, and the drive was boring. I have a lot of things going on in my head, so there's no way I would've started up a conversation, right?
"I have contacted someone that'll help you with an international passport and visa for both you and your dad. Hopefully, it should be ready within five days," He breaks the awkward silence, and my eyes narrow as I turn my face to look at him in shock.
"Huh?" I blink my eyes rapidly to be sure I wasn't hallucinating.
"I will talk to the doctor to do his best to keep him alive until then, before he will leave in one week," He further says, and my heart skips a beat as I stare at him in shock. I can't bring myself to believe that this is coming from someone that hates me so much. Is he really doing this? Why is he doing it? What does he want in return for this life-saving favor?
"You already traded being his slave, so don't think about it," My subconscious mind reminds me, and I bite my bottom lip.
"Thank you, Sir," I say to him, fighting back the tears of joy that threaten to escape my eyes. But what if the doctor can't keep him alive until then? Will I lose my dad?
"Pray for something positive to happen, Lilian. Everything will be fine," I whisper to myself.
We finally arrive at the hospital once it's 7pm, and we proceed toward the entrance door. We walk side by side to the ward once we step into the hospital, but I stop on my track when I find someone sitting along the hallway, just in front of the room my dad is. It's Nate.
"Nate?" I call him to be sure my eyes are not seeing strange things, and he stands up immediately as soon as he hears his name.
"You're here? I've been waiting for you," He smiles at me widely as he walks over to us.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Nate," He extends his hand toward Ren who has been glaring hard at him since we got here.
"What are you doing here?" I hear Ren's voice behind me, and I gulp down nothing nervously. Shit! This is not good.
"What does it look like I'm doing? Of course, I came here to visit my friend's sick dad. What about you?" I can smell the touches of sarcasm in Nate's words as he replies to Ren.
"You didn't tell me you were coming here. Why?" I chip in before Ren can say anything again.
"Yeah, I just wanted to surprise you," He shrugs.
"Did you cry? Look at your eyes, they are swollen," He walks over to me and cups my cheek in his palm while rubbing it with his thumb.
"I didn't cry," I reply to him, and he raises his eyebrows as he stares into my eyes like he wants to see through me. I feel my heart beating rapidly against my chest as I stare back at him.
"Is this how he flirts with you when you two are alone?" Ren's angry voice pulls me back to reality, and I pull away from Nate.
"I wasn't flirting with her. I respect her so much to do that to her," Nate replies to him with a smirk lingering on his lips.
"I'm here now, Nate. Thanks for coming here. I think you should be going now. I will take it from here," I say to him.
"No. I planned to pass the night here with you. You need to sleep, so I will watch over him while you're sleeping," He insists, and I sigh briefly.
"You don't have to. I will handle it. You need to go home and get some rest. The doctor said you shouldn't stress yourself, so..."
"I told you to not worry about anything. Besides, it's just a one-time thing, so that won't be a problem," He replies to me, and I tilt my head to see Ren glaring hard at him like he would devour him anytime soon.
"You don't have to worry about that, Mr. Nate. I'm here with her," He finally speaks up, sending waves of shock through my body. Wait a minute! Is it really Ren right now, or is someone else posing to be him? No, I can't believe this...

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