Never in a Million Years

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Words: 1479


The first few days were hard to adapt too, him and Mickey had adopted Lilly  7 years after getting married and they hadn't exactly planned it. As Liam got older he started doing work experience in a foster care system where he helped out with the new kids coming in, he was the one who came to Ian explaining to him how a girl around 16 came in beaten and abused by her mother, her father had ran off when she was young and eventually some neighbours caught on with all her bruises and called cps. When they showed up they found the girl locked in her room as her mother was passed out in the living room to high off drugs to give a shit

As soon as Liam explained the situation to Ian he knew he had to take her in, him and Mickey discussed adopting a child many times in the past but both were waiting on a proper opportunity for it, that day he went home excited, practically skipping with each step he took, bursting through the front door once home to ask Mickey what he thought on the idea. After a long conversation and deciding they were financially and mentally stable enough to take care of a kid Ian called Liam up and explained how they would like to adopt Lilly

Less than a week later they had Lilly and a young lady knocking on their door with a bright smile on her face as she patted the young girls back, they walked into the house looking around. Ian and Mickey had been working with the weed transportation business for many years now and between both of them missing their old home and what not they decided to buy the house back for their own and clean it up well, Debby's previous bedroom was now connected to Fiona's old one and turned into one big room they also tore up most of the rooms floors and changed them to a nicer wood, the last change they made was painting the walls a light grey shade and adding better lights around the house

The lady introduced herself as Margo and told them the young girls name, Lilly's eyes wondered around their house and them taking in her every surrounding before even walking in, Mickey was the first to pick up on this as he realised him and the girl might have a lot in common, after they were all introduced the lady left the house and Lilly was shown her room as well as around the house in general

The next few days went by slowly as Lilly began to feel more comfortable around them she started asking them questions about themselves just small ones at first like "how long have they been married" and "what did they do for work" just anything simple that came to mind for her

On the 4th day Ian had to go to work leaving Mickey in the house alone with Lilly, normally she would stay in her room keeping to herself, Mickey knew he wouldn't be the greatest parent but Ian had told him any parent would be better than her original ones which had him convinced, growing up with similar parental issues he understood the girl more and why she didn't talk much, or make much eye contact as she was worried to upset any of them to the point of being beaten again

Lost in the thought of what to do he didn't realise Lilly had came downstairs to get a glass of water snapping out of it when he heard the water running and he turn his head to look at her, Mickey was on the couch fiddling with the remote contemplating if he should watch something or not, Lilly turned around and saw he was looking at her
"I'm so sorry am I using the wrong cup?"
She said looking down in a panic before rinsing it out and drying it on the tea towel hanging from the cupboard door 
"No of course not kid, was just wondering if you wanted to do anything Ian's at work"
"Oh ok"
"I'm not too sure what you guys like to do"
Mickey scratched the back of his neck as he spoke. Ian made it seem like this was all so easy yet Mickey couldn't even figure out what to do when it came to the simplest of things
"I'm not too sure myself"
Lilly laughed, Mickey loved hearing her laugh he always felt proud of himself any time he could make her smile
"Don't you and Ian work together?"
"Yeah usually but we figured someone should stay here to look after you"
Lilly nodded in agreement and stood there for a second
"Do you want a beer or something?"
"I'm 16"
"Who wasn't drinking beer at 16? I don't know. what do you usually do" Lilly nodded once again and thought about it for a second before replying "If I was back home I'd probably be out smoking weed but your kind of like my dad now"
"I mean I have some"
He scratched at his eyebrow contemplating it as he wasn't sure how pissed Ian would be I mean after all she was 16

"Me too, wanna share some each?"
They both headed upstairs and went to their seperate rooms making sure the door was shut before going into their personal stashes and walking back out, Mickey took some rolls and walked out to see Lilly in the hallway
"I've got a lighter do you have any papers?"
"Course I do let's go"
Lilly nodded and followed Mickey downstairs and to the back door sitting next to him on the porch on the other side of the staircase

They took their time rolling up a e few joints each before Mickey lit one for each if them and passed one over to her, the silence was soon cut short as the violently loud sound of gunshots went through the air, it didn't worry Mickey as this was the usual Southside shenanigans at night and judging by the blank expression on Lilly's face she wasn't fazed either. After a few minutes both of them felt the high kicking in, Mickey only noticed he wasn't the only one when he heard Lilly laughing uncontrollably before later explaining she saw a raccoon fall out of a rubbish bin

Their random conversations continued as they each smoked through 6 joints between them laughing at their own random jokes and sharing funny stories
"How did you and Ian get together? You don't seem like the 'openly gay' type"
She spoke using air quotes
"It's a long story kid not a very good one"
"I've got nothing better to do"
"Are you from Southside?"
"Yep born and raised"
Once again laughing with Mickey joining in
"You know Terry Milkovich?"
"Course I do I mean he's dead now thank god hated that asshole"
Mickey smiled to himself at that and quickly jogged upstairs and grabbed his cigs off the kitchen counter before sitting back down and lighting one up, Lilly looked at him lighting it and he pointed the pack towards her opened, she took one gratefully and lit hers up as well
"Yeah he was my dad"
"Hold on your a Milkovich?"
Lilly's face was full of shock as Mickey sighed and nodded obviously unenthusiastic about being part of what he considered a scumbag family
"Aren't all of you like raging homophobes and all that"
"Most of them are accept me Sandy and sort of Ian? Not sure really we never discussed last names"
Lilly nodded taking it in
"I thought he would've killed you considering you know being gay and all"
"Oh don't get me wrong he tried clearly failed though"
Mickey spoke gesturing to himself as they both broke out into laughter, suddenly the wind started blowing towards them cause if both of them to shiver slightly as it was winter and snowing heavily
"Wanna go inside see what shits on TV?"
"Definitely freezing out here"

Once inside both of them got comfortable on the couch now getting tired as the weed wore off, whatever they were watching on tv died down in their heads as they both fell unconscious and drifted off to sleep

Around 9pm Ian came home and his heart slightly melted as he took in the sight in front of him, the man he fought through many battles with, stuck with for 10 or more years was asleep on the couch with their adopted daughter snuggled up next to him, the man who worried 24/7 about never amounting to be a good father was passed out in their home with their daughter right by his side.

Never in a million years had he thought they would have made it this far

Mickey/Ian One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon