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Comment what you guys think so far! Your comments help a writer like me know whether we're doing okay or not! And Peaky Blinders is my favorite show so I don't want to mess it up!
Tom didn't come home until late that night, having made his mark to get back at the inspector before their meeting on Friday. Gwen was awake smoking a cigarette in bed when he got in. She replayed the events of the day in her head, looking back to how she helplessly complied to his orders on going home when it was something he expecting her to be a part of. She didn't know what made her agree with him so quick maybe it was the way he was looking at her, she wasn't sure. But based on her past she was never one to take orders from anyone, having be a free spirit, she followed her heart over anything.

Tommy's steel blue eyes raked over Gwyneth's covered form in the bed, her hair got longer, the curls splayed across the pillow. He felt a twinge in his pants before he could even take his coat off. The room wafted with smoke which smelt like home to him.

"How'd the bonfire go?" She asked him. This was progress to Tommy, they hardly spoke unless absolutely necessary, the change was nice for him. He missed her despite her changing. To him she was still his Gwen the little spit fire that warmed him to his bones.

"We'll know by tomorrow. I have a meeting with the inspector. But I do know this will prevent him from trying to arrest anyone over it." He stated.

"So I'm aware, I was there when he came to the church. And how can you be so sure?" Tom sat down on the edge of the bed with a sigh as he took off his shoes.

"Because no one would want word spreading about what occurred tonight. They'll be playing in our hand by the end of it."

"And what about the guns?" Kicking his shoes off he tossed his coat on the back of the desk chair and began unbuttoning his shirt.

"The guns aren't a concern."

"Bullshit." Gwen spat as she burned out her bud. "What are you going to do with the guns?" Tom glanced over at her, noticing she was wearing a red nightgown. He didn't know with the memory loss would she be aware of the provocation a wear like that would bring him. He got in under the covers after she scooted over, ignoring her question.

"We need a bigger bed." She mumbled as she turned onto her back. He noticed how she always blushed when he got into bed with her. Maybe he shouldn't be surprised, in a way it was like she was a virgin all over again even though she was far from not being one prior to the war starting. The memories itself got him turning on his side to face her.

"What?" She asked softly. Her cheeks were tinged pink, her hair cascaded around her like a halo. She looked like an angel. His angel.

"I remember when I first met you that day, Polly brought you in. I've seen you around the schoolyard before but I've never actually spoke to you until that day."

That caught Gwen's attention. She always heard the stories come from everyone else she knew but never heard Tommy's side of things. Maybe things were starting to change. But she noticed how he changed the subject away from the guns.

"You were this scrawny little thing, John said you looked like a drowned rat and you got so angry with him you gave him a bloody nose." Gwen gasped covering her mouth eliciting a rare smile to come across his face. It was almost painful but for her he'd crawl through those tunnels again just to see that smile on her face. She was the only thing that got him through the war until he got home.

"I think that was the first time John ever truly respected a girl. He was all talk, he had the balls on him but he was just trouble, but he liked you a lot." He stated. "I didn't think much about you in the beginning but I think what made you stick out, out of everyone was your laugh, you had the kind of laugh that made everyone laugh. It was endearing."

"Even though I'm already a part of this family I don't feel like I fit in." Gwen spoke up honestly, her voice lower, nearly a whisper. Those words broke his heart. "I'm still trying to figure out how I fit in with all of this, everyone is great, they treat me just fine but every time I look in the mirror I never know whose looking back at me." Tom felt his heart break a little on the inside after hearing that come from the woman he yearned for all those years at war. He came home and found he wasn't the only one who has changed. It wasn't her fault and it wasn't his fault. Life was just unfair. They had to shape it for themselves.

He vowed to give her a life, and he still planned on giving her that even if he wasn't a part of it. Not saying he wants to leave her but he couldn't help but feel the doubts he had prior to the war that he wasn't going to be good enough for her. But it's too late for that now, they're already married, and he promised to make her happy. He can tell by the tired far away look in her eyes that she was holding a lot of things in, just like he was.

"You're just as much of a Shelby as you were before." He brushed a stray hair from her face. "You're one of the most bravest women on the planet to be married to a Shelby man like me. It's not going to be easy but as I promised you before the war, I'll love you until the day I leave this world." He caught the tear that slid down her cheek, quickly wiping it away. He stared lovingly at her and before he knew it he was leaning in. He hasn't felt her against him in so long.

He gently grazed his lips against hers hesitant in case she wanted to stop but she didn't. It was a new feeling and it was exhilarating. The kiss was short and sweet. Tom didn't want to ruin the moment by pushing it too far so he pulled away from her before it went any further.

"Goodnight." He whispered.

"Goodnight." Her eyes closed, her breathing soft. Tommy stayed laying on his side just watching her. Things were about to become more dangerous in Birmingham, he had plans, great plans to move up in the world and he will make sure that his Gwen was safe and away from it all when it came down to it. It was them against the world and he'll always be there to shield her from the dangers that are sure to come. He'll lay his life down for her no matter the cost. He understood her more then she realized, ever since coming back from the war he was having the same thoughts as herself about being a stranger in his own skin. But that wasn't going to stop him from getting what he wants.
If you like twilight go check out my other stories!




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