Season 10 Chapter 2 - "The Storm Queen"

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Season 10, Chapter 2: "The Storm Queen"


MAIN POV: Princess Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Dash trotted up to me, clutching a dusty orange book. She hands it to me. The front of the book is covered in dust. I blow at the book, removing the dust. As we all cough as a result of the dust particles polluting the castle throne room, I open it to the first page. There, I see a picture of the staff that the Storm King used to create the large storm that almost took out the whole of Canterlot. "This picture looks like the Storm King's Staff!" I yell as the girls rush over to take a look. We all stare at the picture and try to make out what it might be trying to tell us. "Wait a minute. What's THAT?" Pinkie notices a small note at the bottom of the first page. "Good eye Pinkie!" I say to her as I begin to read it aloud. 

"The Storm Queen's Tale," I read. "Who's the Storm Queen?" I question as I further examine the front and back cover of the bright orange book.

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings in irritation. "Just read it," she demanded. I roll my eyes at Rainbow playfully. I then use a spell to reflect the small writing onto a white wall near my throne, so the others could read it along with me.  

You thought you could stop the Storm King and get away with it, didn't you Princess Twilight Sparkle? I am The Storm Queen. When you defeated my beloved brother, I felt I had no choice but to come back to Equestria to seek my revenge....." 

"Brother?" all six of us say, simultaneously. 

I noticed the writing continued, however, there were words mixed up, it was like this pony's horn writing was in a completely different language! I asked Sunburst if he could help me try and make out what the pony was trying to say but neither of us could. "I'm sorry Twilight, I'm not entirely sure what this pony was trying to say.. It's like this was written by a foal or something!" Sunburst expresses as we giggle. So regardless of its possible importance, I ignored the rest and kept reading the part of the note that was understandable. 

"....And you have given me the perfect target. Your precious, PRIZED PUPIL, your student, Luster Dawn. If you ever want to see her again you will surrender to me." 

As I read that sentence, I felt my heart sink. "This is a bad Spike, worse than I could've ever imagined. Looks like we need to reschedule our visit to Sugarcube Corner. We've got work to do." Spike nods and runs off to get the others. "We are going to find the Storm Queen. We have a long journey ahead, so I advise you all to get packed." I announce it to my friends.

Spike nods again, and bounds off to get my saddle bag from the royal suite.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie meet me at the front of Canterlot Palace, and Spike hands my saddlebag over to me. "Spike, you stay here and protect the Castle with Sunburst in case of an attack." Spike nods and rushes back into the Castle to find Sunburst and let him know the plan. "Guards, to Ponyville, please." I command as we pile into the carriage. The carriage flies us over to the now stormy town of Ponyville, where everypony is in panic. Running around and shutting themselves into their cottages. As I step out of my carriage with Rarity by my side, a young mare comes, and panicking, she bows before me and says "Princess, we need your help. Quick!" as she runs toward the school, I start having a sinking feeling in my stomach. "Oh no.." I mumble to myself. As we arrive at the school, it looks as if it had just been struck by lightning. There is a huge hole in the middle of the School, and all the students, terrified, were trying to escape. I spot Starlight right away, who was trying to help Ocelus and Yona free from underneath fallen debris from the school collapsing.

"Starlight! What's going on, are you okay?" Starlight spots me right away and comes galloping toward me at full speed. "Twilight, thank goodness you're here." She says, bowing. "I don't know what happened, there was this huge bang of thunder, then this massive strike of lightning. It hit the school and now, this happened. I'm so sorry I don't know what I did, I was just trying to perform a spell too" stop her, trying to calm her down. "Slow down, it's not your fault. Let me have a look." I fly up to where the hole is, and I try to use my magic to patch it up, but it's no use. I get blasted back and I fall to the ground, hitting the floor so hard that I damage my hoof. "PRINCESS, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" One of the school students yells as he helps me up. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you. Starlight, get all the students to my old castle, we will keep them in the library for now. It's not safe out here." Starlight Glimmer nods, She rushes around, beginning to gather all the students, and brings them to the castle. Once I knew the students were safe, I turned to my friends.

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