Season 10 Chapter 3: "Equestrian War II"

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Using her magic, she is holding something. I walk to the end of the cage where she is standing in order to try and get a closer look, and I am utterly SHOCKED to see what she has in her possession... The Storm King's staff!

"B-but I thought it was destroyed when we defeated the Storm King! How can it be here? COMPLETELY revived?" Rarity exclaimed. The Storm Queen cackles once more. "My brother's staff is one of the most powerful relics in Equestria. Meaning it is also revivable with a small spell CELESTIA TAUGHT ME...." She said, pointing the Staff at Celestia. "...And with its power, I am able to take over Equestria and take my revenge for you GHASTLY ponies for RUINING ALL OUR PLANS!" The Storm Queen yells as she flew up into the air, thunder, and lightning surround her as she zaps the outside of each of the cells. We all feel the electricity running through our bodies as it turns our mains to grey, pulling them apart and ruining Rarity's brand-new cloak. "SWEET CELESTIA! MY CLOAK!" Celestia laughs, looking at Rarity with pity. "We'll worry about your cloak later Rarity. We've got a VILLIAN to stop." I yell with anger and determination. I then stand up, on all four hooves, and look at The Storm Queen straight in the eye. 

Suddenly, bursting through the doors of the dungeon, not one, not two, not three, BUT A WHOLE ARMY of cockatrices! The Storm Queen grabs one using her magic and shoves it right in front of her. The cockatrice stares at me, turning half my body including my wings to stone! "NO!" I yell, trying to wiggle free as Flurry Heart zaps the rock with her magic and free's me from the growing stone cell.  The Storm Queen turns towards her quickly with rage. "Now now Flurry dear, we can't have you messing around with my plans!" Flurry's heart growls at her as The Storm Queen walks over to what looks like a chest. As she opens it up, she pulls out...

"QUEEN CHRYSALIS'S THRONE SHARDS?" All six of us gasp. "No, this is bad! this is VERY VERY bad!" I say in a panic, pacing up and down the cell once again. "Hurry Twilight! Can't you do some sort of spell to break it?" Fluttershy suggests, but I shake my head. "Unfortunately nothing except Changeling magic works on these shards. It was used in the past for the throne that was placed in the center of the Changeling's hive to protect them and the Queen from any threats. It would suck up their magic, just as they did with love" I say, looking at The Storm Queen. She cackles. "Well well well. Somepony's well educated isn't she?" She laughs and walks out, leaving the cockatrices to guard the entrances of the dungeon. "Alright, ponies LISTEN UP." We all huddle together and make a plan to escape this place so we can save Equestria. I really hope this plan works because if it doesn't.. Equestria will suffer, immensely. 

Rainbow Dash flies up to the very top of the cell, attempting to kick at the roof to try and create an exit for us. "Almost.. there..." She says as she continuously nudges the roof. Soon enough, the roof of the cell breaks open, leaving a gap for us to escape, "Well done Rainbow. Now let's SAVE EQUESTRIA! again!" Pinkie yells. But before we could get any further, the cockatrices spot us. They come flying over, squealing at us. Fluttershy flies in front of us, separating us from the critters. "EXCUSE ME! Who do you think you are going around turning other ponies into STONE? We've had this conversation before and we'll HAVE IT AGAIN! I DO NOT appreciate the way you are treating my friends so you can go fly away back to where you came from. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" Fluttershy yells. The cockatrices land and waddle away sobbing.  "WOAH" we all exclaim, praising Fluttershy for her confidence. She's gotten so much more confident in herself! I'm so proud of her. "Way to go Fluttershy! I don't know what we'd do without you." I say excitedly, hugging her with my wing. Fluttershy smiles and I flap over to the cells where the retired princesses are. I zap my magic and free them. As I destroy the crystals from Chrysalis's throne, they fly over to Candance, Shining Armour, and Flurry Heart, freeing them from their prison. 

Flurry Heart runs up to me and hugs me. "My auntie, is my HERO!" she says as she is jumping up and down, her small tiara falls off her head, so I pick it up using my magic and place it back onto her head. "You're very welcome, little one." Shining Armour looks up at me and bows his head, indicating his thanks. Luster Dawn wakes up from her deep sleep, rubbing her eyes she says "Wh-What happened?" Before we could explain to her, and all head home, The Storm Queen comes raging in. Oh no, the cockatrices must have informed her that we escaped! "RUN!!" I yell, as me, Fluttershy and Rainbow dash grab the others and fly as fast as we can. It was MAYHEM! Everypony struggled to try to get away but one of us wasn't able to. The cockatrice got to her. "FLUTTERSHY NO!" I yell, placing Rarity and Pinkie Pie down as I fly back to try and rescue her. But it was all part of The Storm Queen's plan. The Queen latches onto my necklace and rips it right off my neck, pulling me down with it. She grabs onto my wing using her magic and casts a spell on me that made me unable to move. "GO GO GO! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME I'LL BE FINE! GO KEEP THE OTHERS SAFE!" Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie all gallop off to keep Starlight and the rest of Equestria safe. 

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