Season 10, Chapter 6: "The Festival Of The Two Sisters" - EXTENDED CHAPTER

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I'm so excited! Tomorrow is The Festival Of The Two Sisters! Previously known as The Summer Sun Celebration, this festival is the celebration of Luna and Celestia, and all they have done for the country of Equestria throughout the moons. I have tons of plans, Pinkie Pie is helping me put everything together, and Celestia and Luna are even coming out of retirement to perform at the festival! They're going to make some sort of speech? They won't tell me much, something tells me it's a surprise. I do love surprises! *Sigh*. I still remember the last Summer Sun Celebration. It was slightly stressful, what with everything going wrong and nopony thought to tell me about it because they thought I would FREAK OUT. Since when have I ever FREAKED OUT? I- Okay, yeah. So maybe they were sort of right. But the old me would've been freaking out ages ago. I actually kept myself really calm, and I'm proud of myself! So are my friends. Speaking of, they'll all be here soon to help me get the castle courtyard ready for the ceremony tonight. They're all off doing their own jobs at the moment, just as planned. Everything of course to prepare for tomorrow. I should probably get Spike so we can go over the checklist one last time. 

"Spike!" He answers my call and comes stomping into the throne room. "Yes, Twilight?" "Grab the checklist, we're going over it one last time before everypony gets here. I want to make sure this ceremony is perfect since Luna and Celestia are coming this time around." He rolls his eyes and pulls the checklist out from behind him. "Alright. Item one, make sure Celestia and Luna's suite is all set up for their arrival tomorrow morning." He says, looking up at me with a quill in his hand. "Rarity is taking care of that, she volunteered to decorate the suite and will let us know when it's ready so we can add the finishing touches." Spike nods and scribbles a tick onto the paper. "Next?" I say. "Item two, make sure Applejack has the banquet ready for the ball." "Check! I saw her on the way in here. She and Applebloom are cooking up a storm in that kitchen!" I chuckle. "Item three, check on Rainbow Dash and the Wonder Bolts to see how the routine for the opening ceremony is going." I think. "Hmm. Spike, since most of these jobs are just checking on the preparations for the ceremony, I think we can do that pretty quickly. Just in time to meet up all together so we can do one final evaluation before tomorrow. Sound good?" I say, Spike nods and leads the way to the suite. 

"Rarity, this place looks amazing!" Spike says. "Oh, thank you, darling! It's not quite finished, still a few more details I need to add before it's one hundred percent perfect for Celestia and Luna. I have designed these new quilts with their cutie marks on them, they're made with a super soft fabric so they'll achieve a great night's sleep!" I smile. "Aw, Rarity! That's so thoughtful! I'm sure they'll love it. Keep up the good work! Come on spike." He ticks this off the list. He then nods and runs after me as I strut out of the room with my wings spread and my sparkling mane trailing behind me. "What's next?" Spike pulls out his checklist once again. "Food!" He says, sticking his tongue out. I giggle. "Alright then, to the kitchen!" As we're walking down the hall towards the kitchen inside the castle, we hear somepony scream. Spike and I run as fast as we can to the kitchen, in fear that something terrible had happened. When we arrived and barged through the door, we both saw Applejack with a pie on her face, and Rainbow Dash on the floor laughing hysterically at her. "What's going on?! Who was screaming?" Rainbow Dash got up and wiped her eyes clean from the tears. "Hi Twilight, sorry we startled you! We were just having a friendly food fight, honest!" I look over at Applejack who then rolls her eyes at Rainbow. "Guys come on, Celestia and Luna are going to be here tomorrow and they're going to be eating this food. PLEASE try and make it without ruining it minutes later?" They both look up at me with guilt. "Sorry Twi.." "Yeah, Sorry." They both say. "Thank you." I cast a spell that cleans up the mess in the kitchen, and I walk out again. "Well spike, I guess let's come check on the food again later. Who's next?"

We walk through the castle doors to come across the outside where the ceremony will be held. There are streamers, balloons, and a large table spread out for the banquet. Pinkie Pie is seen hopping up and down on the stage, putting up banners of Celestia and Luna's cutie marks that Rarity made a few days ago. "Looking good, Pinkie! Everything seems to be coming together nicely." She gives us a big smile and runs off to finish the final touches. "Alright. Is that every pony?" Spike checks Pinkie Pie off the list and looks back at Rainbow Dash's name who's below. "What about Rainbow Dash and the Wonder Bolts? Do you think their routine is finished now that Rainbow Dash is in the kitchen?" "Well Let's go see, there they are!" We trot over to meet the Wonder Bolts who are practicing laps. "Vapor Trail, is that you? Oh my goodness! It's been ages, you're a Wonder Bolt now!?" Vapor spots me and Spike, she flies down. "Princess Twilight, It's so good to see you!" She hugs me tight. "You're really a Wonder Bolt now? I'm so so proud of you! You've come such a long way!" She laughs and takes her goggles off. "Thanks! And guess what?!" I look up at the clouds to see Skye flying down and landing so hard that he creates a mini earthquake. "SKYE! YOU'RE A WONDERBOLT TOO?! Oh my goodness oh my goodness! This is just so amazing!" I exclaim, jumping up and down. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash comes flying and lands right next to Skye. 

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