Date Suprise!

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(  This was about a month after last chapter   )

|| Come on Vaggie Please!|| Charlie begged as she looked up at Vaggie with puppy eyes. ||There is NO way that im doing this little- date present thing!||      ||Its a Date suprise! come on please! we havnt had anything happen in the hotel for a whole month!||Charlie complained. ||Wow.. a month thats a new record...||. Vaggie looked up at Charlie and she had the most adorable face on. ||Fine but YOU can get the Radio Demon! i guess ill get Angel..||. Charlie gasped ||THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUUU|| Charlie hugged Vaggie which turned into squeezing the life out of her. || Okay! Okay!!|| Charlie let go of her and chuckled. ||Alright lets do this!|| Charlie said racing to Alastors door and then Vaggie sighed then walked to Angels room.

(Alr so theres gonna be the part that what happend with Charlie and Alastor and one with Vaggie and Angel)

||~ Charlie and Alastor's P.O.V.~||

Charlie knocked on Alastors door. Alastor opened the door. ||Well hello Charlie i was just about to head out!||   ||Okay sure. But i need to tell you something!|| Charlie said pushing Alastor back in his dorm. Alastor stood there wondering what Charlie wanted. ||SO.... how have you and Angel's relationship beeen?|| Charlie said with a conserning smile on her face. Alastor saw the smile Charlie had and raised a brow. ||Its been good...Why exactly?||Alastor said sounding like he was confused.  ||When was the last time you guys had a date?||   ||A date?   Hm....|| Alastor didnt recall any date except the first one they had. ||I only remember the first one dear..||   ||WHAT!?|| Charlie shrieked. Charlie was suprised that Angel and Alastor has only had one date.    ||Im afriad so dear but i must get going.|| Alastor said opening the door. Charlie sprinted infront of him as he was about to walk out the door. ||I can take you somewhere!.....You... just need an outfit!|| Charlie smiled nervously

2 minutes later

||Why do i look like im at a funeral and im the one whos dead..|| Alastor growled. ||No reason!|| Charlie grabbed Alastors hand and took him downstairs to the main room and started talking to him to stall him. ||What the blazes....|| Alastor muttered. ||Here do you want a glass of wine!|| Charlie raced to Huskers bar took a glass of wine, brung it back to Alastor and purposly dropped it. ||Oops! Clumsy me! Ohhh Nifty!|| Charlie sung. ||Its okay ill get it for you!|| Nifty said running to the spilled liquid. Charlie lowered her body down to get to Nifty's level and whispered in her ear. ||Hearts...Balloons pink confetti and hearts streamers everywhere soft music hearts and more hearts decorate the kitchen were doing a suprised date|| Charlie whispered looking at her and looking back a Alastor with a confused face on him twice. ||Got it!|| Nifty said as she was done cleaning the mess and then raced to the kitchen. ||What in the sin was that all about!|| Alastor questioned. ||Nothing!||Charlie said smiling innocently. -CRASH- ||Then what was that|| Alastor said looking at her. || AHH!|| ||Why is Nifty screaming in the kitchen||Charlie still smiled and just replied with ||Nothing at all!||

( now this will be how Vaggie and Angels part went)

Vaggie watched Charlie go into Alastors room then sighed and knocked on Angel's dorm. Angel opened the door with no top on just his boot heel things and a skirt. ||Agh! Dude what the fuck! Put a shirt on!|| Vaggie yelled turning around. ||Ya just mad i have more bust then you-|| ||What was that!|| || *sigh* nothin toots. Anyway what do ya want.|| ||For YOU to put a goddamn shirt on!|| Vaggie complained.
2 minutes later

||Listen here toots i dont know what etiquette party your plannin but im sure as hell NOT going!||Angel said fixing his hair back in place. ||There is no party.|| Vaggie blantly said while fixing Angels hair back in the way she had it. ||I look like im going to a church with sociopaths!||Angel said looking at his outfit. ||Belive whatever you wanna belive because im taking you somewhere|| ||Where exactly|| ||To your second death if you keep asking questions!||Vaggie threatened Angel as she grabbed him and rushed down stairs. As Vaggie and Angel was about to enter the main room Vaggie saw Charlie whispering to Nifty while Alastor was just standing there. Vaggie quickly took Angels hand again and went to the other hallway.

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