Date Suprise part 2

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||Hey! Slow down will ya?!|| Vaggie stopped till she reached the end of the hallway. -CRASH- ...... ||The fuck was that?!||Angel said looking at Vaggie. ||How the fuck should i know!|| ||AHH!|| ||Nifty must be havin the best orgasm of her life|| Angel joked. ||Haha very fucking funny|| Vaggie said rolling her eyes. ||Hey why dont you stay in here a little bit-|| Vaggie said shoving Angel into the bathroom And locking it. ||Hey! what the big deal!|| Angel said trying open the door. Vaggie called Charlie and waited for her to answer.
||Charlies P.O.V||
||Just one second Alastor- Just..dont go anywhere|| Charlie said slowly moving away. || it's not like I can or would...||Alastor mumbled
||Hey Vaggie how are things on your side?|| ||Its going as planned but now I kinda wish I took the Radio Demon instead.||Vaggie said listening to Angel trying to open the door. ||And by the way what's Nifty doing in the kitchen screaming?||Vaggie asked concerned. ||i told her to go decorate the kitchen for the date!|| Charlie replied. ||Well she needs to hurry it up before Angel starts a frenzy on me!|| Vaggie said panicking. ||Right|| Charlie said then hung up. Charlie rushed back to Alastor with an awkward smile. Charlie pushed Alastor into the janitors closet and locked it.  ||Hey! Charlie what is the meaning of this!|| Alastor yelled. ||Stay there and dont use your powers thank you and please!|| Charlie said as she ran to the kitchen. ||Nifty!||   ||Dont worry its almost done!|| Nifty said sliding off the ladder. Charlie called Vaggie to make sure Angel didnt break out yet. ||Charlie whats taking so long Angel is gonna kill me when gets out!   ||YA DAMN RIGHT!|| Angel yelled from the other side of the door. ||Nifty need just a little bit more time! Go get Husker and see if he can be the bartender of the date!||   ||Alright  ill try!|| Vaggie said then hung up. ||Hey if you stay quiet in there there will be some  booze in it for you. Vaggie bribed as she ran away.  Angel heard Vaggie speed away and thought about it ||Eh ill stay here for a bit i guess..... .... Damn i look good. Angel praised himself in the mirror.    Vaggie was heading to the bar to get Husker and as she was running she heard Alastor stuck in the janitors closet but she 
just kept going. ||Husker! We-|| Vaggie was interrupted. ||No|| Huskers said in a grouchy voice. ||What-||   ||Im not helping you and your little girlfriend set up a date||Husker said chugging a bottle of wine. ||Come on! im only doing this for would make her happy|| Vaggie said blushing. ||Whats in it for me|| ||Money|| ||Done|| Husker claimed as he got up and walked to the kitchen. Vaggie also ran back in the kitchen to check what's happening . ||We're all done! Now all we need are Angel and Alastor!|| Charlie said smiling. ||Alright I'll get Angel you get Alastor||. Vaggie and Charlie ran separate ways. Charlie unlocked the janitors closet just to find that Alastor fell asleep standing up . ||Out of all places and positions to fall asleep in...|| Charlie sighed. Charlie shook Alastor to wake him up. ||Hmm..Mnn..|| Alastor groaned as he slowly awoken. ||Rise and shine|| Charlie said sarcastically. ||H-Huh what ever are you doing..||Alastor growled as Charlie started to blindfold him.

||Your NOT puttin that fuckin thing on me!||Angel demanded. ||Oh yes I am!|| Vaggie growled. ||I remember the last time someone put a blindfold on me! I did not go fuckin well!||    ||I dont even like you like that or at all in that matter now stay still!||Vaggie yelled. ||Fine but I feel provoked in anyway I'm fighting something or someone||Angel confirmed as Vaggie tightly and aggressively tied the blindfold on him. Charlie and Vaggie were both walking Angel and Alastor to the kitchen and making sure they don't make a sound.  ||Why do i hear love music...|| Angel thought. Charlie and Vaggie take off both Alastors and Angels Blindfold. ||A-Alastor?!|| Angel said suprised. ||A-Angel..What is the meaning of this you two||Alastor said looking at Charlie and Vaggie. ||Close you your eyes for 3 seconds|| Charlie said looking like she was getting  ready to run. They both closed their eyes and when they opened them back up everyone was gone it was just the two of them alone.  ||...Uh.. you look very nice dear..||Alastor nervously said while fixing his tie. ||Well you don't look to bad ya self there..|| Angel said blushing and smiling. Alastor and Angel both leaned in for a kiss until Husker busted in between them shoving a glass of wine their hands. ||Drink up Kids Your gonna have longgg night. Husker said walking back to the kitchen counter. ||A toast dear..?|| Alastor and Angel clicked their cups together and drunk the wine. ||Ya know I-I wasn't really expecting this..|| Angel stuttered and blushed even more.    ||Ive been thinking about it and I don't even remember we've had quality time together like this..|| Alastor admitted. ||Ya i know we've all been so busy with the hotel and stuff and thank you...|| Angel said putting his arm on Alastors shoulder. ||Thank you for what dear?|| Alastor said as he raised a brow. ||Since Valentino is still in the hostpital you've made my dead life so much better! Until he recovers that is..|| Angel said hugging him. ||I would move Heaven and hell for you Dear...|| Alastor then kissed Angel as he said that. Charlie,Nifty, And Vaggie we're hiding in the corner watching them. ||There so cute!!!|| Charlie Whisper screamed. Angel And Alastors kissing got more and more aggressive.

||Should we Go-||Vaggie said smiling awkwardly. ||No..I wanna watch||Charlie whispered back still watching Angel and Alastor. ||What the fuck..are you into this or something?!||Vaggie said trying not to be loud. ||Ew- what? No.. I just love seeing love making bloom in the air!||Charlie said smiling even more. ||And soon they will be MAKING LOVE bloom on that table!||Vaggie said pulling Charlies arm. ||Ya your probably right about that. ||For the last damn time get a fucking ROOM!|| Husker said face palming. Angel and Alastor stopped kissing and pulled away from eachother leaving a string of saliva from their tounges and paused at the fact that they forgot that Husker even existed at this point. ||....Didn't even know you there Hehe-|| Angel awkwardly laughed.

1 hour later they Finnaly went in there room :\

||-Yawn- That was the best second date I've ever been on..|| Angel said rubbing his eyes. ||Youve been on more than one second dates?||Alastor joked.  Angel laughed and so did Alastor.  Angel almost collapsed and Alastor caught him. ||I think you need rest, it is 12:35 and we had a long day|| Alastor said laying Angel on the bed. ||Ha! Rest?! Rest is for losers and I'm not a-||Angel fell asleep before he could finish his enthusiastic sentence. Alastor snickered and pulled the covered over Angels body to make him comfortable. Alastor kisses Angels cheek and sat on the other side of the bed waiting for himself to doze off.

                           ||~Charlies P.O.V.~||
||Yes Yes Yes we did it! Thank you Everyone!|| Charlie screamed and ran around the hallway like a little kid.  ||I only did for the money|| Husker said crossing his arms. Charlie was full of happiness and excitement that she couldn't even think, She kissed Vaggie on the lips and continued to lap the hallways. ||What the- HEY  GET BACK HERE!|| Vaggie chased Charlie down the hallway. ||Nah nah!|| Charlie childishly said as she waved her hands at Vaggie. Nifty And Husker just stood there listening to Vaggie And Charlie's yelling echoing through talk the hallways.

             It's been about 2 minutes and Charlie and Vaggie were still racing around the hallways.
Husker saw Charlie coming from the corner and Vaggie right behind her so as soon as Charlie almost passed him he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. ||Hey kid get it together!|| Husker yelled as he shook Charlie back and forth. Vaggie smiled a bit and laughed. Everyone else laughed with her except Husker. ||Im too damn old for this shit..||

🔆🔆Give me more ideas in the comments please and maybe suggest on how I can get better🔆🔆

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