One Nightmare ,Two Hugs(Alastor comfort)

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Later that day Angel was feeling tired, so he walked to his room unannounced and closed the door and laid in his bed. It didn't take him long to fall asleep.
||Angel...~|| A familiar voice was heard. Angel turned around and there was Valentino standing there with that devious smile as always. ||Valentino?! How... we threw you miles away from here!|| Angel hissed. ||Well you can't stay away from me forever Angie~|| Valentino said walking up to Angel threateningly.Angel moved back as Valentino kept walking towards him, Valentino held Angel by the throat and did not let go. Angel soon was running out of breath he was struggling for air but couldn't breath.7

Angel jolted awake gasping for air and breathing heavily. Angel realized it was just a dream but started thinking of the fact that Valentino might be watching his every move without him knowing. Angel hid under his covers like a little kid, he swiped his phone from the desk next to the bed and texted Alastor.

A few seconds later Alastor entered Angels room. Angel was still cowering under his blanket, Alastor pulled the covers off Angel gently, and smiled at him. ||Angel dear whatever is the matter?|| Alastor said sitting beside him. ||V-Valentino...|| Angel shakily whispered.  ||He was in my dreams...|| Angel mumbled. ||Oh Angel...|| Alastor said sorrowfully ||I doubt he will mess with you again for a while...only if he has a death wish|| Alastor smiled and laid Angels head on his lap. Angel felt tired the second he laid down Angel was really comfortable, ||Feel any better Darling?|| Alastor said running his fingers through Angels hair gently. ||Ya...I feel much better now that your here..|| Angel yawned. Alastor was also getting drowsy as he kept rubbing Angels head. ||Hey Al...|| Angel whispered.  ||Yes my dear?||  ||Thanks for carin about me...||  

After a few minutes Angel and Alastor had fell asleep.  ||Angel??|| Charlie called his name. Charlie opened Angels door to see if he was in there. Charlie saw that Alastor and Angel was sound asleep in a adorable way and smiled. ||Are they in-|| Vaggie came in talking loud enough to wake them up and the Charlie shushed her loudly and pointed and the adorable sleeping couple.

||Angel...|| A voice whispered his name. ||You can't get rid of me forever...|| ||Stay away from me!|| Angel said backing away. Valentino grabbed Angel by the neck and threw him against the wall. Angel grunted in pain as he was thrown. His shoulder was hurting,he winced at the pain when he moved, as Valentino walked towards him Angel kept backing away.  ||I am everywhere you are Angel'll never escape from me.. YOUR SOUL IS MINE! Valentino said picking Angle up and gripping his body.

Angel woke up with a gasp realizing that the pain in his shoulder was just from sleeping on his side. Alastor slowly woke up as he felt Angel moving. Angel was pacing around the room muttering things to himself. ||Angel...? Are you okay..?|| Alastor said rubbing his eyes. ||Thats it!|| Angel randomly blurted out and then walked up towards his mirror and began to play with his hair out of anxiety.  ||Ill just lock myself in a closet and never ever EVER come out!|| Angel said then chuckled nervously. Alastor got up and hugged Angel from behind  ||Angel your overthinking...I promise if he ever touches you that I will do something about it|| Alastor grinned. Alastor sat Angel down on his bed and went to go get a glass of water for Angel. As Alastor was walking down the hallway he looked at the clock, it's was 12:28. Alastor walked in the kitchen and poured some cold water in a glass.

Angel heard a noise coming from the window and immediately reacted. Angel hid under his bed and curled up into a little ball. Alastor walked in the room but he didn't see Angel on the bed. He saw a strand of white hair from under the bed and he smiled. ||Angel, you can come out now|| Alastor said bending down looking at the bed. Angel peeked his head from underneath the bed and looked up at Alastor  ||Are ya sure there isn't a flying blue, pink smoke blowing, pimp dressed, crooked smiled, Moth at my window...?|| Angel longly addressed.  Alastor chuckled || Angel your fine|| Angel slid from under the bed and took the glass of water and chugged it like it was his favorite wine.  Angel and Alastor sat on the bed in complete silence.  ||Hey Al...||   ||Hmm?||  ||You promise that I'll be okay..|| Angel sighed.  ||Of course dear, I'll protect you from any danger|| Angel smiled and laid down on his side of the bed and Alastor laid next him facing Angel and smiled.  Angel kissed Alastor passionately and Alastor held Angel close while he kissed back.

       ⚠️⚠️Teeny Tiny Smut Warning⚠️⚠️ 
Angel deepened the kiss and moved his body closer to Alastor. The couple was tounge kissing each other passionately for a few minutes. Alastor slowly pulled away and began to lick Angels neck. ||Mhnn~||  Angel moaned as he held Alastor closer to him. Alastor sank his teeth into Angels neck and give him hickeys. ||Ahhh...~!|| Angel started to run his fingers through his hair and even started to rub his✨Extra floofy cloud texture heavenly adorable✨  ears. ||Mhhh..~|| Alastor moaned as he was kissing Angels neck.
After some time they pulled apart and smiled at eachother.  ||We'd better stop here or we might go to far...|| Angel smirked at Alastor teasing him.  Alastor blushed and held Angel close as they drifted to sleep.

                ||~Charlies P.O.V.~||
Charlie sighed not being able to fall asleep ||I wish SOMEBODY would hug me in my sleep...||Charlie pouted.  Charlie stood up just thinking about Vaggie and not going to sleep. Vaggie happened to be awake with Nifty cleaning the laundry room. After Vaggie was done she went to check on Alastor and Angel to see if they were sleep. They were But in the same room...? Vaggie thought but shook it off and closed the door. Vaggie opened the door to Charlie's room to see her just staring blankly at the ceiling.  ||Charlie...?||   ||Huh..? Vaggie? Why are you awake..?|| Charlie said sitting up.  ||I would ask you the same thing|| Vaggie said crossing her arms.  Charlie was getting frustrated   ||Where are Angel and Alastor sleeping?|| Charlie asked bluntly. ||Their in Angels room|| Vaggie answered confused. ||In the same bed?||  ||Yeah..but what does that have to do with you being up?|| Vaggie tilted her head in confusion.  ||Thats just it! We've only been together a couple of months but you've never hugged me in my know I get lonely!|| Charlie complained. Vaggie sighed and smiled a bit. Vaggie laid next to Charlie on her bed and nuzzled her chest. Charlie blushed and smiled with joy.

Both couples were sleep together

🔆🔆Seriously guys I need ideas don't be afraid to suggest anything🔆🔆

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