Chapter 11

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When I come to, I feel a terrible sharpness in my head that I cannot describe.

My eyes peel open, and I notice that they're covered in hard goop that blurs my vision. I move my head to try and brush it away, but the handcuff's chain attached to my cot stops my hand from reaching my face. I use my other hand, free of a handcuff, and wipe the dry crust off.

I'm in a jail cell. The concrete walls are blanketed in thick filmy stains. I can't imagine what it could be, and frankly, I don't want to. The cell doors are metal bars corroded in so much rust that looking at them makes me want a tetanus shot. The only things in the cell are a toilet I can smell from across the room, the cot I'm lying on, a single chair in the corner, and an end table next to me. The air is cold, and it prickles my skin as I try and move my heavy body. My mouth opens to moan from the pain in my head, but nothing comes out, and I notice my tongue is like sandpaper against my gums. A spreading burn in my throat causes me to cough, and my lungs shrivel into tiny little balls. I look down at my bare chest, and my body is so sweaty that it feels like I just came out of a rainstorm. My jeans stick to my legs, and I want nothing more than to rip them off me and throw them to the corner of the room. It takes everything in me to hoist myself up into a sitting position. My hand aches from the handcuff, and I rub the tender skin to soothe it, but it just feels worse.

Just then, the memories flood my mind.


I remember her showing up to room 32 with Mr. Smith and a set of guards. She looked so upset. All I wanted to do was jump up and hug her. But why was she there? And why did she bring Mr. Smith to the place I was hiding? Did she turn me in? My throat drops into the pit of my stomach at the thought. Is Paige the person I think she is, or is she just another Richling who wants nothing but personal growth? This whole time I thought she was an ally and wanted nothing more than to discover the secrets of the compound more than I did. What if that's a lie? What if Paige has been out to get me this entire time?

Although, that wouldn't explain the night we had. I felt in my bones that we had a moment. The way she touched me on my arm made a shiver go down my spine, and a person not interested wouldn't touch someone like that. Maybe she had no choice but to bring Mr. Smith to room 32. I hate making up excuses for her actions, but perhaps he found out somehow. Could there have been cameras? It could be a possibility. I knew she didn't like him finding me; I could see it on her face the second she walked through the door. There must be an explanation.

I need to talk to Dally about it.

He can't possibly be taking my arrest lightly. I'm surprised he's not barreling down the hallway outside my cell to come and rescue me right now. But I have no idea if he knows I've been captured. If Paige were behind my arrest, she wouldn't tell him, and he would be blind, thinking I was hiding out in room 32 still.

My mind keeps jumping back to what we found on that computer. The air's been breathable for years. Years. I can't help but let rage bubble up inside me at the thought of Mr. Smith keeping us down here when we should be outside trying to rebuild the world. It just doesn't make sense to me. And the injections? Why are they killing innocent people? You would think that killing would be a sin in a world where people are nearly extinct. An immoral offense. Depravity at its finest. But no. Not according to Mr. Smith, his evil associates, and that hard ass General Fox. They'd kill anyone for personal gain—even me.


The realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

I'm going to be executed.

My hands start to shake. I try and calm my nerves by taking a deep breath, but I can still hear my heartbeat in my ears. I dig my fingernails into my palms, the pit in my stomach growing deeper.

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