Chapter 10: Acceptance

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It was a Thursday Afternoon. Takemichi had asked akkun and the others to walk him home, and also exchange numbers.


As they were walking, takemichi noticed they were walking on a different direction, not the direction he lives.

''Hey, I live there. Not here'' said takemichi. ''we know, Just come with us. We'll walk you home after we go here'' said akkun.

Takemichi noticed how gloomy they were.

They reached the destination. Takemichi saw a bunch of guys just fighting. Takemichi was uninrested. ''this is boring. Are we just gonna watch?'' takemichi asked.

The others were just quiet. Takemichi then heard a guy yell.

''Round 3...mhh. That guy up there with the glasses and (Random Name)'' a guy yelled. All the guys were hyped up. ''oh yamagishi, you look scared.''said takeichi as he bent down to yamagishi's face.

Yamagishi's face was in horror. ''are these the guys that beat you up when we first met? that's why you guys had bruises?'' asked takemichi. Makoto nodded.

Takemichi sighed. He stood up,

''Hey! I challenge you! The guy smoking a cigarette that looks like the walmart version of kazutora when he was a child!'' Takemichi yelled out.

All the guys was facing him.

''hah?!'' the guy looked behind with an angry face. ''Takemichi! what are you doing??!'' Takuya shouted as he whispered. ''Just watch'' said takemichi as he went down.

" look quite familiar..." takemichi stopped at one step left on the stairs.
"Oh~ your kiyomasa." Takemichi then walked towards him.

"I remember you fucking me off in the cafeteria." Takemichi said as he then swinged his leg at his face on the side.

"Oh wait fuck, I hit too hard." Takemichi said as he sighed. Kiyomasa was on the ground with a nosebleed and blood on my mouth. One of his tooth also came off.

All the guys around stared in shock. Especially the Akkun and the Others.

Takemichi then walked towards one of the people that he has seen with kiyomasa most of the time.

Takemichi leaned forward. He glared at him deep in the eyes, as it his bright blue eyes turned into the dark depths of the sea with no light whatsoever.


Takemichi said. The guy then ran away in fear along with the others who didn't want end up like kiyomasa.

But the ones who were left was akkun and the others.

Takemichi then started walking away. The others just stared at him in shock.

"Are ya guys coming or what?" Takemichi turned around as he smiled. The others jolted up and ran to takemichi.

"Takemichi! Wait up!!" Takuya yelled as takemichi just ran laughing, wanting to exhaust them.

Takemichi had asked the others to just stop him at the musashi shrine and said goodbye.

Yesterday, takemichi told chifuyu to meet him at a Park. He also slipped at secret note which contained his number if he needed anything.

But they changed plans. Chifuyu suggested that they meet at the musashi shrine which takemichi agreed to.

Takemichi only gives his number to people he Actually likes. But if his account ever gets hacked, he has more backup accounts and can even buy a hacker to hack the hacker himself.

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