ua letter

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Its been a week and iv been waiting for my letter " shoooo I can't waittt" "hold on a little longer" "but..." "it will be here soon" "ok" I said sounding a little sad. Sho pated his lap so I scoot over onto his lap. He gives me snuggles when I'm sad,tired or have nightmares. As I slowly drift off to dream land I here fuyumi scream something,I shoot up and look over and see her wave 2 envelops.

I slowly open mine and a little disk pops out. A projection of all might appears "young todoroki you came in second place with 75 points you passed! Welcome to ua high". It took me a second to process this but I did and when I did i jumped so high my head hit the ceiling then I ran out of my room screaming "i got in to ua" at the top of my lungs.

After a few minutes I calmed down and sho said he got in too. He had no enthusiasm but I had enough for the both of us. Fuyumi made us our favorite food mine is Raman.

I slowly drift off to sleep and started to have a nightmare I was crying and sho heard from the other room so he came in and snuggled me so I would stop crying it usually worked but this time it didn't so he said "shh its ok dont worry, your ok, everything's fine" and a few other things and in the end I stopped crying. Sho fell a sleep in my room.

Todoroki told her what happened when she was crying and the other stuff. Next chapter is the first day of ua!🙃 bye

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