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Sky's POV

Peeking at him sleeping one last time, I quietly closed the door of my room and head downstairs to prepare breakfast.

As I went out of the room, I could feel the burning pain sensation stroking at my back so I paused and touched that part. The black shirt I was wearing was a little bit soaked with blood and I could even feel my temperature wasn't normal this time. Yet, I didn't bother to entertain it.

Hands inside my pockets, I was clouded with thoughts while degrading the stairs. I saw my brother sitting on our old classic mini sofa eating a green apple which he likes pretty much whilst reading a newspaper.

I halted on my feet two stairs left looking at him before continuing to go down.

He was already dressed up on his school uniform looking so prim and proper like a grown up professional.

"How's your first day at work?" I asked casually going to the refrigerator to get a glass of water.

He threw me a quick glance and continues looking at the newspaper. "It was okay. A little bit confusing with the medicines and have to adjust to the customers. I know it's all just at first,"

"Are you sure you're okay with it?" I asked in a concern.

"Are we going to repeat this conversation again? We've already talked about this,"

"I know..." I quickly responded. "Remember you can quit any time you want,"

He didn't respond to my statement and I know I was getting into his nerves. "What's with all of that stuffs? Are you going to school with two bags?"

"I packed some things," he said that made my brows furrowed in confusion. "I was thinking since our house is quite far from the place I am working at, I decided to crash some of the nights in my workplace. There's a staff room there which allows us workers to stay and I think it's more convenient for me to stay there for awhile,"

Thinking of him not going home makes me feel uneasy. However, I could not force him not to because I know it would be a lot of hassle for him to go back and forth everyday, so I think also that what he thinks is better.

"Have you thought about it?" I asked in affirmation and drank half of the water in my glass.

"Yeah. I would be home every weekends though and I would be coming home if I feel like it, so don't worry," he smiled at me and somewhat, it made me at ease.

He's already more matured with his decisions now. Although he's nineteen and he could make reasonable decisions before, I still had the control with everything he wanted. But now, I think it's better if he decides for himself. My brother never disappoints me and he never did something that made me feel extremely furious before. He's an intelligent and responsible young man who have grown directly opposite to me. He even excels in his academics which I feel so proud of.

"Besides, I think you need a spare room. You can use my room anytime,"

"What are you talking about?" I asked with knitted eyebrows as I leaned myself on the kitchen island.

"You forgot to lower your voices arguing very early that had me woken up," I guessed he just heard everything since he's just next door.

My brother knows me so well and I am sure he already knows. He already knew for so long.

"I've heard what happened. It's been a rumor spreading around the campus yesterday. Mitch has been telling everyone in school about Jude that he was kicked out in their house and that he was just adopted," he informed, folding the newspaper and putting it on the mini table as he stood up.

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