Seeking solace

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Emily started to look guilty. Wow, something was definitely wrong. Emily never felt bad, EVER! Storm grabbed my hand and gave me a supportive smile. Beth looked me in the eyes, getting ready to talk.
"Well after you got drunk and high, you started getting sexual with many different guys. We tried to, we honestly did, but eventually we lost you, we couldn't find you anywhere. Then suddenly Storm found you, and you was being raped."
I was speechless, that's impossible.
"It wasn't your fault. You were to weak and drunk. The drugs and alcohol completely made you, then the cuts all over your body didn't help. " Emily was being nice? Shit they saw my cuts.
"you know you can tell us anything right? There's no need to keep it all secretive." Storm said trying to not seem to pressuring.
"Were going off topic here" I snapped
"yes, of course. Well we took you to the hospital straight away and they said your not pregnant and we got you some pills just in case. You need to take them. But everything's fine now, we just thought you needed to understand what happened last night." Beth handed me some pink pills. God, I was so relieved that they had been there for me.
2 hours went by. Eventually everyone wanted to leave but I needed them there. I had just broken up with my boyfriend and then I got raped. Every time one of them mentioned about leaving I would.burst into tears.
After a while longer Emily stood up.
"im late for work, see you later guys" she spoke so quick. I started crying again. She ignored me so I started panicking.
"what the fuck are you doing?" She snapped. The old Emily was back.
"" I murmured through shaking sobs.
"why not? Your fine Riri, she can go can't she?"
"NO! I feel like my life is over, there's no point in living! I WANT TO DIE!" Beth looked at my, a combination of symphony and disbelief in her eyes.
"You don't want to die Rhian. You just want comfort" she told me coldly. Does she think I'm attention seeking?
"how could you say that to me? I've been cheated on and raped and I have cuts all over my body! Don't you understand what that's done to me?"
"look you're obviously in a lot of stress. We're gonna leave and give you time to calm down. She you later" storm said as sweetly as possible. They couldn't leave could they? They grabbed their bags and went to the door.
"please, don't leave me on my own"
they ignored me and left me alone. Why would they do this? I picked my knife up high in the air and slammed it down hard. I paused right above my arm.

they're right. I can't do this, I need to keep myself together. I went to my room and lay on my bed. I managed to force a smile. I turned my head and saw a note under the photo of me and James. I picked it up and read.
'hey Rhian
im writing this just after you saw me at the club. I dumped Megan. She's nothing compared to you. If you need me, ring me. I've made a mistake but I still love you
james xxxx'
that did it, that blew me. I had to get out of here. Even death seemed to be nicer than this. I grabbed my backpack and through it on my bed. I rummaged through my wardrobe full of band t shirts, skinny jeans, goodies and my leather jacket. I just grabbed an arm full of them and through it in the bag. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed food, drinks and a knife. I left my phone and left. I didn't know where I was going. I just.went.

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