Breathe again

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Storms POV
I sat next to her in the hospital. I couldn't bare to see her like this. She had tubes connected all over her, an oxygen mask on her mouth and her legs and arms all bandaged up. Her nose was swollen and her teeth were messed up. God poor Rhian.
The doctor walked in and I instantly stood up.
"Is she going to be alright?"
"We're not sure yet. Hopefully. He lungs have been weakened and we're not sure how long they will last."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but do you know what really pissed me off? The fact that her parents hadn't visited. I phoned them myself and they didn't even sound bothered, their only daughter could be dying and they can't be arsed to drive 30 minutes to see her!
WHAT? did she just move? I swear she just moved!
"Doc? Doc?" He comes rushing in quickly and stands beside me.
"She just moved, I think she just moved."
He looked at me with disbelief and went to check on the machines.
"Theres no signs to her still being conscious"
"I can see shes not fucking conscious but if she moved then she might be waking up!"
"She's in a coma and could be in one forever for all we know. Luckily she is still breathing and all her insides are working properly. Her lungs may be weak but they're still working."
He then left, leaving me alone with my best friends motionless body. I held her hand tight in mine. She was so cold. I looked around the room and saw a small pile of blankets on a chair. I grabbed a few and covered her up. Dear god I hope she's all right

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