Halloween part 2

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I creeped my eyes open and noticed Andy talking to my Dad. Both of them seemed to be in the verge of tears.
I looked around for a clock and noticed the to was on. It was 8pm.
As soon as I dropped my feet to the floor the phone rang, both the men turned to look at me in shock because they thought I was dead or something.
I reached out towards my phone when Andy's hand got there first.
"Hello" he spoke down the line
"No. I dunno."
"I'll talk to her"
And then he hung up
"What was that about?" I ask the tall charming black haired boy that was stood inside my bedroom.
"They want you to come down to the police station. I said n.."
His eyes grew wide
"Okay" I repeated "let's go"
My Dad stayed at home while me and Andy drove down town.
I sat in the chair, a chubby police officer with very little hair staring right back at me
"Hello Rhiannon"
"Hi" I responded in a small squeak.
"We just need to talk to you Abit. What were you up to between the hours of 4 to 6?"
"I started cooking around 3:30 and then straight after we started eating at 6, bwhen I....when I saw the news" my eyes were dripping.
The questions went for a while, I shed a few more tears.
Eventually they let me go. Me and Andy had just walked out the door, when Andy turns to face me.
"Rhian....I've got to confess something...." He looked nervous. He was about to finish his confession when three police guards came rushing past is
"Rhiannon Tomson?"
"There's been a break in-at your house"
Immediately me and Andy headed back following the police.
The car journey down was so stressful, so many thoughts went through my mind.
Had something happened to dad?
Why my house?
Has someone been hurt?

We got outside and I headed to my front door. The police were all in the way, They stopped me from getting in but I managed to push by.
On my table was Emily's severed head.
With a note: come on Rhiannon, let's have some fun

I stood there, traumatised.
Suddenly there was a noise upstairs and all the cops ran to go search.
I just stood there. Staring at Emily's head as it say in the coffee table.
Andy walked up behind me, I felt his hands wrap around my hips and his head rested on my shoulder. I didn't realise I was shaking until I felt his skin against mine.
Both Emily and Storm were dead.

I heard a stumble down the stairs, the police had my dad with his hands tied behind his back.
"Stop, no! That's my dad!"
"Ma'am you are aware he was home when this happened?"
"Yes I am fully aware" I snap at the tall dark and ugly copper "can you let my dad go? He's staying with me?"
"He's a suspect of murder now" and worth that they leave.
"Andy..." I start my sentence "you've been so good to me and I really do hate to be a bother you but..."
"Get in the car, yes I'll drive you back to the police station"
I felt bad for Andy, always rushing around after me.
I was in the waiting room with Andy for hours in total silence.
"Two murders in a day..." I start "two of my closest friends..."
"Do you think it could be your dad" Andy interrupts.
"What?!" I snap horrified at the thought "of course not!"
"He's a recovering drug addict that used to abuse both you and your mother! He's more than capable of doing this. How did your mother die?"
"My mother died of a heart attack! I cannot believe your saying this!"
"Yeah and who told you that? Him?!"
"Leave" I say in a small voice, Andy lowers his head
"Cupcake I'm sorry, I'm worried for you"
"LEAVE" I practically scream. Andy looked me dead in the eye, biting his lip. He got to his feet and headed out the door. I had no clue whether that was the right thing to do or not, how am I going to get home now?

It was 3:30 in the morning, Halloween, before we left. We had to walk back to my apartment.
My dad came out and I swung my arms around his neck.
"Where's Andy gone?"
"I made him leave. He's not important right now. What convinced them to let you go?"
"Another murder while I was in here. Some girl called Bethany"
I gazed upon the face of this man. Beth?
"Did they say a last name?" My whole body shook as my dads words came out "Seymour"
Bethany Seymour. My very best friend.
I couldn't cry. After all this I had lost the ability.
"Let's go dad"
We had been walking down the dark street for hours. Cars passed by with idiots whistling and shouting out the window. Drunks were getting in the way. His wasn't the nicest of streets but it was our only way home.
The street lights have the tiniest glow on the street, barely enough for me to see a foot ahead.
The chilly air sent shivers down my spine. Or many it was the shock today had brought. I was alone. I never got Chance to say good bye to my mother. All my friends are dead. I made Andy go! My dad was all I had left.
The trauma beat my mind to a pulse. My head was pounding and I couldn't concentrate. Wait. This isn't the way. I had gone wrong, it seemed I was following my dad, yet I'm the one who knows the way.
I was about to say somethings when o felt a vibration in my pocket.
I picked my phone up and placed it against my ear.
"Rhiannon. Sorry to disturb you but this is urgent. Bethany wasn't killed while we had your dad, she was set in a trap to snap her neck at a certain time. We've found evidence to show he was the one to slaughter your mom"
"My mum died of a heart attack"
"No she didn't, she was brutally murdered alive, less then a few days before your father fled the country. We have more than enough evidence to prove he's guilty for all four murders."

Plot twist

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