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I stumbled backwards as the figure stood right over me. It was too dark to make out his face.
I felt two tight grasps on my arms as he lifted me over his shoulder. I struggled trying to break free but it just wouldn't work.
I kicked and swung my arms, he wouldn't let go.
Be carried me over to this truck which he dropped me onto the back off and then tied my hands and feet together. He got in the front and drove off.
I was just left to sit in the back staring up at the night sky, staring at all the stars.

Once the car had stopped he pulled me out and carried me into an old building. Inside I saw a battered sofa and an old wooden chair. He dropped me on the sofa and I tried kicking and struggling again.
I noticed next to me was a patch of something black, black hair. Andy's hair!
There was a notebook my the side of it with sketches of Andy...this was too creepy. But it got worse when I looked up and saw a big board with a million pictures of my boyfriend.
I was officially petrified!
What was I supposed to do?!
The dark figure came back and stood over me. He pulled his hood down to reveal his face. James!
"Hello beautiful" he smiled sitting next to me.
"James?! What the fuck?"
"Surprised darling? After you refused to accept my apology I had to come get you myself"
"What is all this shit? All this about Andy?"
"My little collection. That bastard stole my girl and he's gonna pay, but first I'm claiming you back"
He said as he crawled over. He didn't hesitate to slip his hands into my pants and completely pull them off.
I didn't even try fighting back. I couldn't.
I felt him pounding in and out of me when he finally came.
I was scarred but couldn't do anything, not even speak.
"Now you see? I'm so much better than him. Here I'll bring you your precious"
I sat up as soon as those words escaped his mouth.
I wriggled my hands trying to loosen the grip of the ropes, I felt them slightly become looser when I heard footsteps coming back. James dragged a battered looking Andy towards me and dropped him on the floor.
I screamed, yelped and jumped down next to him. I sobbed into his bloody body. He had bruises covering every inch, a swollen eye and lip with blood smothered everywhere especially where it was pouring from his mouth.
I tried to catch my breathe, I needed to be strong right now.
"Now you can watch your precious boyfriend die! Then I'll be your only option"
He left the room and Andy sat up instantly.
"Did he hurt you" he mumbled through his bloody broken mouth.
I shook my head, I had to lie.
"Andy if either of us can be safe I need you to help me here. Please, can you get my ropes untied. His hands looked as if every bone inside them was broken. I felt awful. He still somehow managed to get the ropes of but I could see the agony in his face as he did so.
He had tears streaming down his face. I helped him to his feet and headed to the door.
Shit! Locked!
I was in panic. There was nothing I could do. James was even bigger than Andy, he was 6'5 and very broad.
I didn't stand a chance protecting us. Just as I felt like giving up, I noticed a door on the ground. I ran towards it and discovered it was a staircase. I helped Andy climb down.
We walked around underground until we saw a window.
There wasn't a door and the window was too small to fit us through. There was no light, just the glow from the stars.
" Even if we got out, were I'm god middle of no where. What can we do?" Andy moaned collapsing on the ground. I noticed the window was slightly loose. It may just fit me, barely but possibly just.
"Andy. If I leave you, I can try and get help. I remember the way. I don't want to leave you here but for one I don't think you're strong enough, nor will you fit and I can probably find the way back, I payed especially good attention to the stars on the way down."
"No time to Explain Rhian just do it! I'll be fine"
I cried as I stated at his weakened body.
"I'm sorry. I'll be right back..."
"No. It's you he wants. Send police if you are able to but don't you come. He wants you and I'll probably be dead by then anyway"
"Don't say that!" I almost screamed which I instantly realised was a bad idea.
I ran over to him and just sobbed into his shoulder.
"Andy I'm sorry. If you had never met me...none of this would've ever happened with my dad or James. I'm just a disaster and I'm so sorry"
"You do not need to apologise. I chose to stay with you despite everything and it was worth it. If I die tonight it was worth it because these past few months with you have been the very best. I love you Rhian. I really do."
"I love you to Andy. I always have. You are the only person I've ever truly loved"
"If I somehow to survive Rhian, I still have that ring in my pocket"
I shoved my lips to his that very second.
"If we survive Andrew Biersack I'll marry you and I will do anything for you for the rest of my life!"
He slipped the ring on my finger and I have him one last kiss. I went to the window and tried to get it open, I managed and just managed to slide my body through.
Follow the stars.
Follow the stars for Andy.
Follow the stars for my Fiancé.

I'm shit at updating

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