the rematch

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Miorine: you two have to win this duel so you won't be expelled and I don't have to marry someone by force

Alexander: Alright seem like an "easy" task what could go wrong

Suletta: I don't want to

Miorine & Alexander: huh??

Miorine: it only makes sense for all of us to fight together

Suletta: well I have a list

Alexander: and what kind of list is that?

Suletta: I made a list of things that I want to do when i go to school like
Make friends, call them by nicknames, study in the library, eat lunch on the roof and... go on dates

Alexander: ehh

Suletta: i want to go on dates!

As Suletta says that Miorine flick her head

Miorine: you've sex crazed

Alexander: no not really that's a pretty normal list

Miorine: oh really and how would you know

Alexander: because I had one too before deciding to throw it out into the vast openness of space

Miorine: well whatever let's keep moving

As Miorine gets ahead of both you and Suletta you have a chance to whisper something to her

Alexander: you know you already have one thing on that list that's already complete

Suletta paused for a moment trying to think which one it is and when she did her eyes lit up with happiness

Suletta: wait does that mean!!!

Alexander: yeah I'm your friend

Suletta hugs you in the middle of the hallway with excitement

Suletta: I never had a proper friend before

Alexander: well gald I could be your first and also I'll like to try out that last one on your list with you

Suletta took a moment to register what you said and when she did her face turn bright red like a tomato

Suletta: wWhHat?!?!?!?!?

Before anything else could be said Miorine was standing behind you with her arms crossed while looking angry, Suletta noticed and her face turned from happiness to a "oh shit" face

Alexander: uuh Suletta you alright

Suletta: behind you

Alexander: huh?

You turn around before realizing who's behind you and before you can say anything Miorine flick you even harder then she did with Suletta

Alexander: OW

Miorine: really already cheating on your bride behind her back

Alexander: sorry

Miorine: it doesn't even matter since the legal age to get marry is 17 and by the time that happens I'll be at earth, I don't care how I'll get there but I will get there no matter what and until then you have to play groom

Alexander: huh, earth

Miorine: yeah what about it

Alexander: oh no reason

Miorine: well then let's make a deal

As this is going on Guel is already in the process of testing his new mobile suit which comes back with a few mix results

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