Trying to survive

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Alexander: I'M SORRY WHAT

Lauda: what the heck brother!!!!!

Suletta: EHHHHH

Guel: wait that's not what I meant!!!!

Suletta: No i won't!!!!!!!!!

Suletta then gets back inside the Aerial and flys off leaving Guel standing there but not for long

Guel: Hey cut the camera!!

Alexander: Guel...

Guel then realize that Alexander is right behind him and then process to start running for his dear life

Guel: I'M SORRY!!!!

Alexander: GET BACK HERE


Miorine: well he's dead

With Nika

Nika: are we witnesses a murder

Chuchu: I'm pretty sure we are

[Fast forward after the duel]

Miorine: Hey Alexander open this door NOW!!!!

Suletta: Alex please come out!

No respond from the cockpit of the barbatos

Suletta: why won't he open his cockpit door

Miorine: I don't know, let's try calling him

Miorine try to call Alexander but it went straight to voice mail

Miorine: dammit why won't you respond

Suletta: wait if it went straight to voice mail doesn't that mean he's on the phone with someone else

Miorine: if that's the case then who would he be talking too

With Alexander in the cockpit of the barbatos

Alexander: Alright you just have to call Naze and ask what he wanted to talk about and that's it

Incoming call Boss

Alexander: right on time

Answer call

Alexander: hey it's been a while hasn't it boss

Naze: it has been Alexander especially after last time

Alexander: yeah sorry about that

Naze: don't worry about it, we both know that Delling was eventually going to find you

Alexander: yeah especially after the deal i made with him, also have you and everyone else on the hammerhead left already

Naze: no not yet and actually everyone can hear us right now

Alexander: WHAT

Naze: haha don't worry about it now here's the real question

Alexander: and what would that be?

Naze: I leave you alone for a while and now I'm hearing that you're getting marry

Everyone that is on the hammerhead scream "what" out loud

Alexander: yeahhhhhhhhhh that happened on accident

Naze: really since you know who else is going to be angry when we see you soon again

Alexander: yeah I'm pretty much dead- wait did you say soon?

Naze: I didn't call you just to ask about your marriage i also called you to give you something else

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