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Alexander: So would you mind explaining what that was about back there?

Alexander has token Nika and Suletta to Miorine Greenhouse, and Alexander is now questioning Nika

Nika: I- I don't know where to start...

Alexander: You can start by explaining who they are

Nika: I thought you would've figured it out yourself, Alexander

Alexander: What do you- oh shit don't tell me

Alexander had the realization of who Sophie and Norea were

Alexander: Oh dear God, don't tell me that their the people who attack Plant Quetta

Nika just nodded her head

Alexander: That explains why they were trying to kill you, and what did they mean that you "owe" them

Nika: they're the reason why I'm even in this school

Alexander: Huh?

Nika: I'm an orphan like them, I didn't know who my parents were and where I was born at, I was stuck in a tiny room, I've spent my days assembling different components, I've longed to got to school, so when I was told I had a chance to go to Asticassia, I was really happy, it felt like a dream come true, so when I first met you two and found out that it was your first time attending school, I thought you two were like me, but that was just me projecting myself onto you two

Nika specifically looked towards Suletta after saying the last sentence, Alexander who has been standing beside Nika the entire time decided to sit down next to her

Alexander: You know you're not the only orphan here

Nika: Wait, so what we heard during the attack was true!

Alexander: Yeah, I'm an orphan myself too, I don't know who my parents were and why I ended up as an experiment, but what I could say is that life wasn't easy for me, yet over time I was surrounded by people like me, no family and nowhere to go, and yet I still ended up here

Nika: But wasn't that because of teiwaz?

Alexander: It was, but our first encounter wasn't a warm welcome

Alexander just chuckled to himself

Alexander: I actually almost died when I first met teiwaz

Nika was surprised hearing this

Nika: Really, then how did you survive?

Alexander: I had to fight my way to get to the top, and along the way, I had to kill for me to survive and survive I did

Nika was shocked hearing that Alexander had killed before

Nika: You've killed...

Alexander: Yeah, that's why I was fine with it back at Plant Quetta

Nika: Why are you telling me this Alexander?

Alexander: Because I wanted to let you know that you weren't the only one who was screwed in the beginning, and besides, I don't want you to take this on by yourself

Nika started to tear up, but Alexander wiped them away

Alexander: I'm here for you Nika, you don't have to do this alone, and if it comes to it, I can get you protection from the Turbines like they did for me

Nika had more tears coming down her eyes, Nika then processed to hug all even with a broken arm, Alexander just pulled her closer

Nika: b-but I don't want you guys to be involved in my situation

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