The Aftermath

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Alexander: Why do I even bother

Naze: We're probably going to have to give up the Barbatos and Asmoday

Alexander: I literally can't catch a break

Alexander and Naze were referring to a message from dominicus to give up their mobile suits

Alexander: This probably includes the Aerial

Naze: Think that your friend can handle it?

Alexander: Suletta will be fine, she's already been away from the Aerial before

Naze: Well, alright then, and Alexander, we really need to talk about Mars

Alexander: What about it?

Naze: You and I both know what I mean

Alexander: What are you referring to again?

Naze: Why haven't you decided to join us on the mission to Mars

Alexander wasn't facing Naze at that moment, but if he was Naze, could've seen that Alexander face has gone pale

Alexander: I- I- uh- uhhh- umm...

The whole room has gone silent, Alexander still hasn't given a response

Naze: Tell me what's going on, Alexander

Alexander: I can't-

The door opened to reveal Suletta

Suletta: Alexander we need to get back to the school

Alexander: R-right

Alexander just floated past by Naze, but before he can leave, Naze had one more thing to say

Naze: Tell me, does it have to do with Delling daughter

Alexander: Yes...

Alexander just exit out of the room in silence with Suletta, for a moment, Suletta thought of asking what happened to Alexander inside the room, but instead, Alexander spoke first

Alexander: Suletta do you actually love me...

Suletta: W-WHhAt does that have-

Alexander immediately hugged Suletta out of nowhere


Suletta then realized that Alexander had a few tears falling from his eyes

Suletta: Alexander, what's wrong did something happen???

Alexander: I need to get this off my chest right now since this is affecting me and Miorine relationship right now

Suletta: Oh I see...

Suletta just looked away from Alexander, and Alexander understood why she did that

Alexander: I know I'm being selfish right now, but if you are going to join me, then you must know what's about to happen

Suletta finally turned to face Alexander once again

Suletta: (sigh) Ok, let's talk

[Later that day]

Everyone at Earth's house was wondering what happened to Alexander, and Nika


Martin: Chuchu calm down!

Aliya: I'm sure they're fine just calm down

Chuchu: I'll calm down when I see at least one of them!

Nuno: Jeez, who knew she'll be obsessed with them

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