hot & cold

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A new day has begun and Alexander is still sleeping

Alexander: zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Alarm goes off


He sees no one in the room

Alexander: what where is everyone

He get ready and once he was done he walks downstairs and sees everyone watching a duel that was happening

Alexander: so who's the unlucky guy

Chuchu: well apparently the ice prince has accepted a 3 v 1 duel

Alexander: ice prince? And oh that must suck

Chuchu: well it's seems that he's winning the 3 v 1

Alexander: what for real?

Alexander is now watching the TV and realizes that Elan is the one dueling and is surprised that he won

Ojelo: welp there goes my 200,000

Alexander: this is why I stop gambling

Nika: hey Alexander

Alexander: yeah Nika

Nika: all mobile suit that you and Suletta own are being transferred here

Alexander: oh that's right i completely forgot about that

Nika: well there's a problem

Alexander: and what would that problem be?

Nika: it's says that 4 mobile suit are being transferred here but i thought that only Aerial and barbatos were the only ones you two own

Alexander: oh shoot that's right i completely forgot to tell you guys

Miorine: forgot to tell us what?

Alexander: don't worry about it, Nika everything on there is correct so don't worry about it and also Suletta

Suletta: yeah Alex

Alexander: don't say anything, it's a surprise now

Suletta: oh about the- right don't worry i keep quiet

Miorine: what the heck are you two hiding now

[At a unknown location]

???: It would seem that Enhanced Person number 4 is all within normal range, we can proceed with the next step

As the person is done speaking towards four people in the room one of them speaks

???: and what about the the other witches

???: well we don't know much about the machine's even with the last duel with the Jeturk brother's, we couldn't detect a GUND Format data Strom and if that's the case then that machine has over come the gundams greatest issue

???: and what about the other witch

???: well it would seem that it doesn't have the GUND Format since there was no detection at all, but from what we found out is that it wouldn't even be possible for that machine to have it in the first place since it's about 400 years old, an era were gundams were accepted

???: so it's pointless to go after it

???: not really since it managed to take out current mobile suits even though it's 400 years old, with that kind of power who knows what else it could be hiding and I don't think "witch" fits the description of the boy

???: oh and what would be a better description for him

???: I'll say... A Devil

[Later in the day]

Mobile suit gundam:the Witch & the Devil Where stories live. Discover now