Chapter 4: Memories

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(Hasn't been proofread yet)

"Yes it's me. Though I have no recollection of you." The White-Haired male said as he put his hand on the other male's hand. He was sitting on a Chair by the elegant bed. The color scheme was dark indigo, red, and a hint of white. almost to match Kunikuzushi's old style when he was in the Fatui.

"Ah.. I see.." He pulls his hand away and sits up to look at the White-Haired male and the young White-Green Haired girl. He just remembered what happened at Port Ormos after he sat up. He remembered that he saw Kazuha and had a mental breakdown and such. Now he wished he had never erased himself from existence... no one had the memory of the Balladeer, Scaramouche, Kabukimono, Hell even Kunikuzishi was forgotten. His lover couldn't even remember him, he doubted that his mother even recognized or remembered him.

"Take it slow alright, Kunikuzushi? I don't want you to get hurt." The Young god showed her concern for the Indigo-Haired male. Nahida understood the feelings that Kunikuzishi was feeling. She wasn't really forgotten by her people but they didn't trust her whatsoever. They didn't even see her as their god. Some might even forget that she was their god. But now isn't the time for her, she had to help out Kunikuzushi in any way possible.

"Don't worry about me, Buer.. I will be fine. I just fainted from the shock that's all... Nothing important." He slowly gets out of bed and stood up. Once he caught his balance he walked over to the Hat hanger where his hat was hanging. He took the big umbrella-like hat and placed it back on his head.

"Kunikuzushi? Where are you headed? You should rest more, you don't seem to be in the best condition to roam around." He quickly stood up and walked over to the Indio-Haired male to grab his hand to drag him back to the bed.

"Don't show your pity for me. I don't need it" He pulled his hand away and put it on his hat as he walked out of his bedroom. The white-haired male stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do.


Kunikuzushi's POV:

When I walked out of my room I headed straight for Irminsul. I found Irminsul a calming place with no one in there. It was all memories and knowledge of the whole world. Then I got this idea, What if I went into Irminsul and looked for Kazuhas memories? I could find a way to reverse this. Though I don't want the Fatui to remember me.. How would I even conduct this and was It even possible? He kept thinking and Thinking.

He didn't care what the possibilities are. He just wanted my Lover to remember him once more. He wanted to embrace him again but not as strangers that never met. He wanted to hug his Kazuha, the Kazuha that would give him butterflies every time he would lay his eyes on the White-Haired male's face. The Kazuha that he would stare at his mesmerizing features all day if possible. He wanted it all back and he would do anything. He quickly ran through the corridors and all the way to the entrance to Irminsul. He unlocked the Portal inside with the little leaf-shaped key. once he reached inside he quickly started searching for everything. every possible memory in Irminsul to see if he could find his Lovers memory. He was praying that Irminsul would have memories of Kazuha tucked away somewhere. He knew there was a low chance that Irminsul had anything since he was removed from existence and he hated himself for doing that shit.
After half an hour Nahida entered Irminsul to find the Indio-Haired male. She wanted to give him some space but she notices he wasn't anywhere around the Sanctuary of Surasthana so she came in here.
"Ah so you've been in here Kuni? What are you searching for? Perhaps I could help you. I know this place like the back of my hand!" She walks over to the male and takes a peek to see what he was doing here.
"Buer.. Is it possible.. to return one's memories when taken away?" He looked away from the young god and looked a bit more into Irminsul.
"I'm not sure Kunikuzushi. No one has erased themselves from existence. Nor returning the memories either. You are the first to do this I think.. I have never heard or seen anyone else do this."
"Alright. I understand. Well, I'm gonna continue my research through Irminsul. I'll also look for the traveler's sibling and I'll add notes to it if I find anything interesting." The young male had a sad tone in his voice. It almost sounded pitiful coming from him. He opened a couple of memories from Irminsul and watched a couple of them. He could see so many things around Teyvat like how the Traveler fought with Childe, Or when they fought La Signora. It was quite fascinating but there was nothing about the Travelers sibling.
"Alright then Kuni. Make sure to come out before Lunchtime alright? And maybe spend some time with our new guest? Kazuha seems like a sweet boy, Maybe you could reintroduced yourself and maybe start over. I know having him not remember you hurt but that's how the world works.." The young god explained to him as she walked to the exit. She turned around to take one last look at him and walked out of the room.


Kunikuzushi's POV:

I watched Buer leave and watched her small figure turn into one like a small ant till she was out. Once she left I continued searching, that was pretty much what I would do every single day. I looked through some memories of Kazuha from Irminsul. Memories of my mother, The Raiden Shogun, Attacking my Songbird. I would never forgive her for this.. she would pay for what she did to him. Then I remembered what Buer said to me... I should spend some time with Kazuha.. Before he leaves again. I guess this research could wait till later.. or I could bring him in here.. to talk. Ugh, this thinking is exhausting. Usually, when I want something I just get it with a snap of my finger since I was in the Fatui. I got up and put all the information back into Irminsul then walked back to the entrance to fetch my darling. I don't think Kazuha would mind if we go in there anyways. He was always calm with every little thing, Even when I showed him the Electro mark on my neck, or when I told him was a puppet. I walk down the corridors of The Sanctuary of Surasthana for a couple of minutes. There were so many rooms in this damn place I don't even know where the damn leaf boy was.


"Kazuha! Mind coming out of one of these never-ending damn rooms? I'm irritatingly bored so get your Canadian-looking ass out here!" The Indigo-Haired male groans as he stands in the hallway waiting for the Canadian-looking boy.

The White-red haired boy came out of one of the Guest bedroom and looked at the Indigo-Haired male in confusion. He was still calm as ever and kept his composure as he walked over to him.
"Do you need me that urgently that you had to yell?" He chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair

The Indigo-haired male looked at the Canadian-looking ass and admired his beauty. he didn't change one bit when he left Inazuma. His hair was the same, he still seemed very poetic, and he still was the same Kazuha who would go around with him naming every single beautiful tree in Inazuma City and Ritou. The same silly little Samurai that he loved dearly.





"Come with me. I want to show you something. Something.. something cool."

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