Chapter 5: Everybody here is a cloud.

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(Hasn't been proofread yet)

"That's once a strange request after yelling in the hallway to ask me to come with you. But I enjoy strange requests so alright, I'll follow you" The White-Haired male smiles at the Indigo-Haired male. His smile was a mesmeric one that Kunikuzishi couldn't help but smile. However, he had to turn away in embarrassment.

"Alright, let's go, idiot.." The Indigo-Haired male started to walk away from the White-Haired male. A coral-ish color was plastered around his cheeks.

The Two males walked to the entrance of Irminsul and the White-Haired male was amazed by the big tree in the center of the never-ending room. it wasn't really a room, the door they entered was almost like a portal into Irminsul.

"Stay close to me.. don't step off any saplings and follow my steps. you wouldn't want to get lost in here." He takes Kazuha's hand and leads him through Irminsul and then to a big tree. He asked Nahida to put a table and a chair in there in case he had to further study information in Irminsul and he didn't want to stand forever. Even though he's a puppet he still gets tired like any other person, but he tends to not show that part of him since he thought it was weak.

"How do you find your way around here? it seems like a lot to remember.." He looks around in the strange atmosphere he was in currently. He has been to many nations and seen many different buildings and creations from different nations but he as never seen anything like this before in his life.

"I'm a fast learner.. and i've been in here countless times so it's easy to remember by now." He continues to hold Kazuha's hand.

Kunikuzushi's POV:

Kazuha's hand is so warm.. I haven't held his hand.. for so many years... how long has it been anyways? How long has it been since I held his warm hands.. I don't want to let go. I don't ever want to let go of him. And I don't want him to forget me again because if my stupid ideas.. In stupid Irminsul I must have kept a secret file or some shit with Kazuha's memories.. or memories of me and Kazuha.. I just need to find it.
The 2 males end up getting to the center of Irminsul and the White-Haired male looked up at the tree in awe.

"Pardon me.. Kunikuzushi. what is this tree called?" The white-haired male turned to the Indigo-Haired male. they were both still holding hands too.

"Irminsul. the tree is called Irminsul, Why do you ask?" He opened a screen and started searching around in Irminsul with his free hand, stupidly unaware that he was still holding Kazuha's hand.

"Ah alright. well I was gonna give it a name.. like I do for most trees that I come across that I find peculiar or beautiful." The White-Haired male watched the Indigo-Haired male work on the screen. he looked down once again and Kunikuzushi is still holding his hand, though he didn't mind it at all.. his hand was quite soft.

The two males stayed in Irminsul for most of the day and they slowly started to get to know each other. They also viewed a couple memories from Irminsul. all the little things were viewed or the memory of Kazuha defending the traveler from the Raiden shogun. When the memory played it showed up like a projection, almost like a illusion. when you touched it it would almost blur out a bit like a cloud. it was mostly Kazuha learning about Kuni since Kuni already knew a lot of things about Kazuha like his favorite color was red, His favorite food is fish, He would name every beautiful tree, he liked poetry and or penning haikus, Hes able to hear and smell everything, and that he was a wandering samurai because he was wanted by the Raiden Shogun. They bonded for a while and then they decided that they were gonna get out of Irminsul to get some lunch. it was pretty late in the day already so they needed something to fill their stomachs. They went out to the dining room and asked the chefs to make some food for them. Kazuha asked for simply just fish and some rice. he wasn't too picky when it came to food or anything since he is a wandering traveler. Kuni ordered a Shimi Chazuke, He actually ate this pretty often since it was his favorite food. Shimi Chazuke was the first food he ever ate when he was created. His mother didn't know how to cook whatsoever so whatever the maids made for him he ate it. People say children are fond of their mothers cooking.. but not Kunikuzushi. He thought his mother only viewed him as a mere puppet. a prototype for the shogun but was discarded after being too weak.

"Hey Kunikuzushi?' The White-Haired male looked over at the Indigo-Haired male. They were both across from each other and patiently waiting for their food.

"Call me Kuni. Kunikuzushi is a long name to say anyways plus its what you used to call me.. you said my name was too long to say so you gave me a nickname" He smiles after he said that. he remembered vividly the time where they both introduced themselves. Kazuha was good at pronouncing name but he found this one a bit too long for his liking, so he decided on the nicknames Kuni or Zushi. Zuzu was also one of them but Kuni decided that Zuzu was a bit too childish for him to be called that. instead Kuni called Kazuha Zuzu.

"Alright.. well Kuni. I have a question.. and i was wondering if you can answer it for me" The white-Haired male placed his hands on the table. When Kuni looked down at his hand he noticed the males bandaged hand. The bandages were intertwined with his fingers and went all the way up his wrist.

"As do I. you can go first though." The Indigo-Haired male took off his big hat and put it next to him. the hat was pretty heavy so it was slightly irritating.

"Well when we where young.. or when I remembered you, what was our friendship like? all the stories made it sound like we where very good friends before you wiped yourself from everyone's memories."

"We.. we where very close.. we would talk to each to her about everything." He smiles at the little memory he had of them. "we more than friends actually.." he mumbled looking away from Kazuha.

"More than friend you say?" the White-Haired male chuckles and puts his hands together. Then he layed his head on his hands.

The chefs brought out their food and placed it in front of them before they could say another word. The fish infront of Kazuha was a freshly caught salmon fish cooked perfectly with some butter. the skin of the fish was cooked to a crispy texture. on the side was a little dipping sauce with a Sumeru rose on the side to decorate the dish and of course a bowl or rice. For Kuni's dish was his favorite Shimi Chazuke. the side was some type of sauce and in the middle was rice shaped as a flower of some sort or a design. there was seaweed scattered around in the middle with a bit of Unagi in the middle of the seaweed. to finish it off there was a sprinkle of sesame seeds ontop.

"That looks very good Kuni. May I have a small bite?" The White-haired male was looking at the Indigo-Haired males food.

"Of course you can.. just take as much as you want.." He looks away and pushes the bowl towards a Kazuha.

"Ah thank you. I won't be taking much since it's your meal." Kazuha said as he picked up his spoon to slowly take some of Kuni's food. he only 2-3 little scoops of the food to try himself. after that he tried some of the Shimi Chazuke. "Oh my. this is very good. it puts a smile to my face.. there's almost like a nostalgic feeling to it.." after when the male tried it he was smiling.

Kunikuzushi's POV:

When I saw Kazuha smile after trying my Shimi Chazuke.. it reminded me of when he first tried it a while ago.. that sweet smile. i wanna keep that smile safe..
I want to protect that beautiful smile.. that I love dearly.

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