Chapter 5

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(Sammy's P.O.V)
"Hey Sammy can you please tell Nat to come here for a second?" Asked Nate
"Yeah man" I said
I got up from my chair ran up the stairs I walk in and I see Nat sitting on the floor and blood dripping down
"Nat are you ok?" I asked her
"Yeah my mirror broke and it cut me while I was trying to pick it up" she said

(Nat's P.O.V)
I heard someone walk up the stairs shit I punch my mirror and shatters every where I cut myself more to make sure it looked like an accident
Sammy walks in
"Nat are you ok?" He asked
"Yeah my mirror broke and it cut me while I was trying to pick it up" I said
"Come here" he said
We go into my bathroom
"Where's your first aid kit?" He asked
"On the bottom left drawer" I said
"Sit on the counter" he says as he takes it out
I listen to what he says and jump to sit on it
He grabs my wrist and disinfects it
"I'm sorry but I have to" he said
"Why is your fist all cut to?" He asked
"Umm well I was doing my makeup and my mirror flipped over and landed on my hand." I lied
"And what about your wrist" he asked
"I told you I cut myself when I tried to pick it up" I lied again
"Ok just asking cause you cute yourself weird" he said
"What's going on?" Asked Nate as he walked in
"I accidentally cut myself when the mirror got knocked over." I said
"You ok." He asked
"Yea I am" I said
Sammy was still with my wrist then all of sudden the door bell rings
"Who could that be?" I asked
"It's probably the Jacks" said Sam
"Who are they" I asked
"They are mine and Skate's friends they are the ones starring in the tour" he said
"Oh" I said
It was silent for a while
"Alright I'm done" he said
"Thanks Sammyo" I said
I give him a hug
"Haha Sammy I really like you, you are cool friend"
"Thanks you are too Nat" he said
Alright let's go downstairs so you can meet the Jacks they are really cool" he said
We both go down stairs and there are two guys sitting down
"Wassup man" said Sammy to the Jakes or whatever their names were that's odd they have the same name
"Nat come here" said Nate
"I would like you to meet the Jacks, Jacks this is my sister Natalie but we call her Nat" he said
I look up at then Holy shit they are both so hot what's up with my brother having hot friends
"Hi" I said to both of them
"Nice to meet you" said the blonde one and smiles at me the other one just looked away
The boys were talking about everything and I decided to go upstairs and call Han real quick
When I was done I walked back downstairs and Nate was already drunk I can tell by his face
he has drinking a lot ever since my parents died
"Hey Nat come take a shot" said Sam
"Wait what are you serious Nate will kill me" I said
"Nate is drunk he won't remember shit anyways come on we will all take one with you" he said
"Alright I guess" I said
Sammy hands us all one except for Nate he's already passed out on the couch
"Ready 1-2-3" said the blonde Jack
"Eww that's gross" I said
They all laughed at me
"Pour me another one" I said
"Oh shit calm down Nat" said Sammy as he pours me another one

To be continued....

Hey guys sorry I'll update the rest of this tomorrow

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