Chapter 2

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School was finally over and I got in the car with Hannah
"Can you believe we only have 3 days of school left" she said

"Finally we are going to have such a fun summer" I said

"I'm so excited for the party this Friday" she said

"Me too" I said

Hannah was parked on the drive way

"Hey Nat who's car is that" she asked

"I have no clue but anyways thanks for the ride Han see you tomorrow" I said

"Anytime later Nat" she said

I got off the car and walked in

"Hey Nat how was school" asked Nate

"It was good" I said

There was this guy sitting on our couch I have no idea who he was not gonna lie he's hot

"Oh this is sammy my friend that I have been writing music with" he said

"Hi nice to meet you" said Sammy shaking my hand

"Nice to meet you to" I said

"Well I'm gonna go do my homework see you later" I said grabbing my backpack and going up the stairs
I walk into my room lay on my bed it was kind of awkward that Sammy is here like I don't even know him

Not gonna lie but Nate's sister is really hot but I know he would kill me if I told him that she seems like a really sweet girl I hope she ends up going on the tour
She's just perfect she has nice long hair, sparkly brown eyes, perfect skin color and a pretty smile.

"Hey Sammy do want to take a shot" said Nate holding a bottle of vodka

"Yea sure" I said

"We have to be sneaky though I don't want my sister to find out we are drinking" he said

"Ok" I said

He hands me a shot glass and we fill it up and drink it and keep filling it up until the bottle was gone
I look at Nate and he was more drunk then me I can tell by his face and the way he was walking
I heard foot steps

"Nate your sister is coming act cool" I said

She walked into the kitchen and looked at us like if she knew something was up

"Nate are you ok?" She asked him

"Yes I am" he said laughing walking up to her and hugging her

"What are you doing" she said pushing him off

"Oh my god your drunk" she said

She looks at me and I act like if nothing is up

"Really Nate why did you get drunk now I have to take care of you" she said irritated

"It's ok I'll take care of him go finish your homework I got this" I said

"You sure" she asked

"Yea I sure" I said

"Thank you" she said smiling with her perfect teeth

"No problem" I said she went back upstairs

I was a little buzzed but not as drunk as Nate was he was out of it I put his arm over my shoulder and walked him to the couch I laid him there he ended passing out on the couch I sat on the other couch it was getting later and I ended up falling asleep on the couch

Notes: hey guys hope you guys are liking this story make sure to vote love y'all

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