Chapter 5 (pt 2 )

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After a couple shots Nat took she was out of it she was stumbling everywhere and yelling for everything
"Wow she is just like her brother" said Jack j
"I know right" I said
"I'm gonna go take her upstairs to sleep" I said
"Hey man do you think you can show me where the bathroom is." Asked Jack G
"Yea man let me go take Nat into her room come with me" I said
"Nat come on let's go upstairs" I told her
"Yay ok" she said all excited
I picked her up
"Bye Jack you're so cute" she blew a kiss at Johnson
"Bye Nat" he laughed
"Bro don't listen to anything she is saying right now ok" I told him
"Alright bro" he said
I finally walked up the stairs and Gilinsky was behind me
"Just use the bathroom in her room." I told him
I laid her down and Gilinsky went to her bathroom
"Alright bye Nat" I said as I was about to walk out and close the door
"Wait Sam come here" she giggled
"What" I walked up to her
She grabs my face and kisses me I pulled her away from me
"What's wrong" she said
"Nothing Nat but you're drunk right now and you aren't going to remember anything I don't want to take advantage of you, you are a beautiful girl trust me but you are my best friend's little sister we can't I don't want to let him down" i said she looked at me and cried
"Nat don't cry" I said
"Get out!" she yelled
I walked out and back downstairs
"Hey bro is everything alright" asked Johnson
"Yea why"
"Idk your face is just shocked right now" he said
"I'm fine"
"Alright bro" he said
"Dude we can't tell Skate that we got Nat drunk he will kills us and her so keep it a secret."
"Ok let's go get high outside" he said
"Alright" we both walked outside

I was done using the bathroom and I see Natalie crying on her bed she looked up at me
"Are you ok?" I asked her
"No" she cried you can tell she was still drunk
"What happened" I asked
"I kissed Sam and he doesn't like me back" she cried
"Well Sam is stupid for not liking a girl like you you're beautiful" I told her
She looked me in the eyes
She was so perfect I was so shy to talk to her earlier
I grabbed her face and kissed her and surprisingly she kissed me back we were making out for a couple of minutes when she pulled way and she got up and ran to the bathroom and started to puke
I got up and held her hair back I helped her up
"Thanks Jack you are a really sweet guy" she said
I smiled at her
"You feel good?" I asked her
"No my head hurts like a bitch" she said
I can tell she wasn't even drunk anymore
"I'll go get you some aspirin stay here" she nodded her head
I went downstairs and started going through all the cabinets
"What are you doing?" Asked Jack
"Getting aspirin for Nat" I said
"So she's not drunk anymore" asked Sam
"Nope" I said
I found it filled a glass up with water and ran back up the stairs
When I walked in she was brushing her teeth and she had sleep shorts and a tank top on
"What are you doing" I laughed
"Changing so Nate doesn't get suspicious" I said
I hand her the aspirin and water
"Thank you so much Jack" she said
She takes it
"Are you guys spending the night here?" She asked
"Yea Sam and Johnson are higher then ever and I don't feel like driving home" I said
"I'll go get you some of Nate's clothes come" she grabs my hand and walks me to Nate's room
"Sorry it's gross in here Nate never cleans"
She went thorough his drawers and grabbed me a pair of basketball shorts and a t shirt
"Thanks" I said
"Your welcome" she said
"Well I'll wait for you in my room" she said
"Ok" I said
She closes the door and I quickly change
When I open the door to her room she is already passed out I climbed on her bed and lay next to her I pull her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her
"Good night Nat" I kiss her cheek
"Night Jack" she tells me
I really like her she is amazing

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