Chapter 3

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(Natalie) in
I pushed the snooze button on my alarm clock I got up because I had to get ready for school I left my natural hair and just put some neon pink high wasted shorts with a black v neck and my black vans I grabbed my backpack headed down stairs I see Sammy and Nate sleeping on the couch it was kind of weird because Nate never really had friends sleep over I was staring at Sammy he looks cute when he sleeps, he had long eyelashes, his hair was perfect. He is so hot while I was staring at him I see his eyes open i quickly look away and walk away he got up from the couch and walked towards me oh god
"Good Morning" he said
"Morning" I said
He sat across from me
"So how old are you" he asked
"I'm 15 almost 16" I said
"What grade are you in" he asked
"I'm a sophomore"
"Oh nice" he said
We sat there in silence
I was going to get up to wake up Nate so he could give me a ride to school
"Don't wake up Nate I'll give you a ride" he said
"Are you sure"
"Yea it's fine" he said
He grabbed his keys and we walked out the front door and into his car he had a really nice car it was a black mustang
He opened the door for me
"Thanks" I said
"No problem" he said
He is really nice
He started the car and drove off it was silent for a while
"So do you have a boyfriend?" He asked
"No Nate would kill me" I said
"So Nate is over protective" he said
"Yea he is" I said
"Well if you ever get in some trouble I'll help you not only am I a friend of Nate but I'm a friend to you to" he said
"Ok thanks but I don't really ever get into trouble" I laughed
"You'll never know you will some time trust me" he said
"Ok well at least I have someone to trust now" I said
"Here" he handed me his phone
"Put you're number in it and text yourself so that you have my number"
I did what he said
"Thanks Sammy it actually really means a lot that you care even though we just met"
"No problem and you are my one of my best friends sister" he said
"Oh yea and you can also trust me I won't tell Nate anything if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here, you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here."
"Thanks I think I just got a new guy best friend." I said
As he parked in front of the school
"Oh yeah" he laughed
"Thanks for the ride" I said
"Wait" he said he got of the car went around and he opened the door for me
"Thank you well I guess I'll see you later maybe" I said
"Later Natalie" he said
"You can call me Nat"
"Ok later Nat" he said
I started walking
"Nat" he said
"Yes Sammy" I said
"You're not going to give you're new best friend a hug" he said
"Ok" I turned around and hugged him he squeezed me tight he smells so good
"Thanks for the hug" he said
"Later bestie" he said walking back to his car I waved at him as he drove off
I started walking again when I felt somebody grab me and I know that it was Hannah
"Hey Han" I turned around and looked at her
"Whose that guy that gave you a ride I saw him hug you he's hot tell me everything" she said
"It's Nate's friend" I said
"Do you like him" she asked
"No" I said
"Don't lie to me you bitch you're blushing I can tell when you like someone and you do like him" she said
"Hannah no I don't I mean I think he's cute and stuff but it's Nate's friend and I don't want to ruin that for him so I can't like him"
"You can sneak around with him that would be hot" she said
"Oh hannah you're a crazy bitch" I laughed
"I know but anyways have you asked Nate if you can spend the night" she asked
"Shit I forgot to ask him"
"Ask him tonight the party is in 2 days you have to go" she said
"Ok I promise I won't forget this time"
The bell rang
"Ok slut let's get to class" we walked into science we had 5 classes together which was most them except for 2
The bell rang again
Class started I was paying attention to Mr. Gomez when all of sudden I felt my phone vibrate I checked my phone and got a text

From: Sammy
Have a good day at school :)
To: Sammy
Thanks see you later
I shut my phone off i feel someone staring at me and it was Hannah
"Why are you blushing" she whispered
"Oh nothing" I whispered back
"He texted you didn't he" she said
I felt my cheeks get red she smiled
"You whore you so like him" she said
"Excuse me" said Mr. Gomez looking at me and Hannah
"Sorry sir" I said
"Both of you go to the hall" he yelled
We both walked to out and he came with us
"I'm calling your parents for interrupting my class" he said
"Ok whatever" said Han
I hit her arm
"Ow what was that for" she said
"Don't talk back you're going to get us in more trouble"
"I do whatever the fuck I want" she said
"Excuse me" said Mr. Gomez
"Yea you heard me I done with your bullshit" she said
"That's you two to the office" he said
We both started walking to the office
"Great now I won't be able to spend the night how I'm i suppose to the party"
"I'm sorry Nat I'll beg Nate to let you" she said
"He's going to be so pissed"
"Sorry Nat" she looked down
I got back to Nate's house to go get the rest of my stuff that I left there when I walked in I saw Nate he was already awake
"Hey where's Nat" he asked
"Oh I gave her a ride to school I didn't want her to wake you up" I said
"Thanks bro was she quiet she's really shy" he said
"At first she was but I made her talk she's a really sweet girl" I said
"Yea she is she used to be very confident and loud but when my parents died she became very quiet and she just never shares how she feels" he said
"I can change that"
"Good luck I've been trying" he said
"Have you talked her about the tour" I asked him
"No I totally spaced out but I'll tell her tonight" he said
"Well I'm gonna go now I'll stop by later"
"Lat--" he got cut off his phone rang
"Hello" he answered
He walked into the kitchen I waited to see if he was ok
He walked out and he looked mad
"You ok bro?" I asked him
"Yea it's just Natalie got in trouble at school" he said
"Well again see you later" I said
"Later bro" he said
I walked out I took my phone out of my pocket
To: Natalie
Oh Nat why did you get in trouble
I got in the car and drove home

They day was finally over I had to spend the whole day in the office with Hannah
I was waiting for Nate but I saw Sammy's car park I walked up to his car I got in
" why did you pick me up"
"Nate is busy recording songs so he texted me and asked me if I could pick you up
"Oh" is all I said
"So why did you get in trouble o texted you but somebody didn't text back" he said
"Sorry they took away my phone all day and I got in trouble because I was on my phone during class and I was talking so his dick head sent me and my friend to the office"
He laughed his laugh was cute
"What teacher is it" he asked
"It was Mr. Gomez"
"Oh I hated him I was always used to get in trouble" he said
"Wait you used to go here"
"Yea I graduated last year" he said
"Really I never saw you"
"Neither did I weird" he said
"That is weird"
"I didn't even know Nate had a little sister he never told me" he said
Nate met Sammy in his senior year but they didn't get close until now
We got to my house
"I'm scared to get off" I said nervous
"Don't be a chicken" he said
"I'm scared Nate is going to kill me" I said
"Is he really that strict" he asked
"Yea he is he freaks out over the littlest things I do"
"Come on" he opened the car door and got off
I opened the front door

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