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"Well, at least you won't keep running away from me now," Valentina said.

"Not funny," Klaude said as he looked over.

"I wasn't laughing," Valentina let out defensively.

A few moments of silence washed over the two before Valentina started talking again.

"So, where have you been all these years?"

"Well, it wasn't my intent to leave you but my parents found out they were needed in Europe and had to bring me along with them. Look if you're mad about-"

"I'm not mad. Just....Curious."

The two sat in silence once more, it had been 10 years since they had last seen each other, what else was there to talk about?

"Well...what have you been doing?" Klaude asked plainly.

"Nothing. You know how boring this town is. I guess- I guess I've just-" Valentina stops.

"You've what?" Klaude asks.

"I guess I've just been waiting for you." Valentina whispers under her breath. She whispers just loud enough for Klaude to hear, but when Klaude opens his mouth to respond the door is finally opened.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry you two!" The teacher explained as she held open the door.

"It's no problem," Klaude said as he grabbed his and Valentinas' bags.

He handed out Valentinas' bag to her, his expression was solemn. Valentina thanked him and took her bag. He walked out quietly but Valentina still wanted to talk to him. She jogged a little to catch up and once they were walking side by side she asked him, "Do you have a ride home?"

"I drive home," he responded. Valentina thought about asking him for a ride but she thought that might be weird. He looked at her for a moment, then asked, "Do you?"

She stared at him blankly not knowing whether to say yes or no, in the end she said, "no." Valentina stopped at the sidewalk where her bus was supposed to pick her up while Klaude kept walking. He stopped for a moment, sighed, and looked back at Valentina to say, "come on." Valentina's eyes light up as she rushed to catch up to Klaude. As they reached the parking lot Klaude heads towards a Lexus RC, Valentina looks at the other cars, assuming that's not his. No teenager could ever own a Lexus RC. He holds the keys to unlock the car and clicks on them twice. The Lexus blinks back. Valentina keeps walking but her mind is swirling with thoughts, when did her friend's parents become rich? How is she about to ride in a luxury vehicle? All of these thoughts stopped when she snapped back to reality and saw Klaude holding the door open for her.

"What do you want me to pick you up and put you in or something?" He said sarcastically.

"No-" Valentina said as she stepped forward and into the car.

As Valentina looked around she noticed the beautiful black trim and she smelled the scent of a beautiful bark. The car's lighting gave it a homey feel but its sleekness made it feel like luxury. Valentina put down her bag and art box as Klaude pulled out. The drive was practically silent as they drove back except for the occasional cloud spottings and small talks. Valentina stepped out and grabbed her bag.

"Thank you so much Klaude, I owe you one," Valentina said.

"You owe me two," Klaude said smiling.

Valentina was confused, "What do you mean?"

"For locking me in there with you."


Klaude rolled his eyes and chuckled softly before saying, "sure it wasn't."

VALENTINA AND KLAUDEEEWhere stories live. Discover now