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"Absolutely not." Valentina retorted back. Valentina had never been to a party and planned to keep it that way.

"You owe me four." Klaude pointed out.

"Ok, I actually only owe three because the door getting locked was not my fault."

"You still owe me something," Klaudes smirk made Valentina sure she wasn't getting out of this.

"Oh my god, fine." Valentina caved, "Can I get a dress code or something?"

"I'd assume you're supposed to wear a costume, it is a halloween party after all."

Valentina nodded, "Thanks," She said as she boarded her bus.

Klaude bowed his head as a signal saying, you're welcome. As the bus left Valentina scrolled through her phone, trying to find adequate costumes for the party.

​​───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

Valentina's Saturday passed by quickly, but not quickly enough to realize that she still needed to decide on a costume for the party. Luckily, Valentina only lived 4 blocks away from a town named Angelle. She grabbed her fathers bike and hit the road to the town. Once she reached the store she was looking for in the town, she began to stroll the isles. As she strolled, she came across a beautiful red dress with a sparkly black robe mesh covering it. Above it she saw fake vampire teeth and knew this was her costume. After picking up black leggings, fake blood, and red bows for her hair, she went up to the cash register to purchase her items. After she was finished checking out Valentina went across the street to a local cafe to get a drink. Once she ordered and settled down, she spotted some of her classmates two tables away. She listened into their conversation,

"Yeah, I heard they invited Klaude to the party," One said.

"For real? We should try and get him to hang out with us, y'know loosen him up a little. I don't think Europeans get that turnt over there." The other one pointed out.

Valentina shook her head in disbelief slightly, were they actually going to try and get Klaude drunk? She brushed this off, assured that Klaude would know better and not follow this crowd of people. The cashier called out her name to come pick up her order, Valentina stood up, took her drink, and packed up her stuff to ride home.

​​───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

The next two weeks went by quickly for Valentina. All she could think about was the upcoming party, she had only been to birthday parties and sleepovers with her friends. This would be her first, official party. So, with one day left before the biggest event of her life, Valentina was practically freaking out. As much as Klaude tried to soothe her worries, nobody could help her. She knew how good her outfit was nice and she also had Klaude, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread and anxiousness. Valentina laid on her bed that night, her outfit spread among the floor. As much as she had tried to sleep, she couldn't. Valentina was restless, she tossed and turned throughout the night. At 4:00 AM, she decided to get up and try on her outfit. As she looked in the mirror she smiled faintly. The red dress complimented her skin perfectly and the black robe over top added a sparkly flare. The red bows complimented her sleek black hair well and the boots she had chosen to wear made her 2 inches taller. This put her at ease, so she took everything off and put herself back onto her bed. 

​───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

Valentina woke up from her nap to find that it was 12:00 PM. She still had 7 hours before the party started. She passed her time by adding small details in her outfit and playing games on her phone.

​​───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

6:45 finally rolled around, Valentina was dressed and was putting the final touches on her makeup when she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed downstairs and said to her mom, "I got it!" Her mom backed away and said, "Alright, have fun Valentina, and stay safe." Valentina nodded to her mother and said goodbye as she made her way out the door and into Klaude's car.

"You make a cute vampire," Klaude said to her.

"Thanks, and you make a pretty good prince." Valentina said back, noticing Klaude's crown.

Klaude pulled out of Valentina's driveway and they made their way to the party. Valentina could feel her heart beating faster the closer they got to the house.

​​───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

Valentina and Klaude had made it to the home, they both stepped out and slowly walked toward the door, Valentina took a deep breath as Klaude knocked on the door. There were a few moments of silence before an unknown person bursted through the door and shouted,



Authors Note - Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be FULL of drama. Hope you enjoyed this chapter though!

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