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Valentina and Klaude had both acknowledged each other's presence, but they didn't go to talk to each other. As much as Klaude had wanted to, he knew that school was not the place for it. So that whole day Klaude pondered what he could do to make it up to Valentina. He knew that words alone could not mend the wound he had created between them. Klaude needed a plan, and quickly.

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After school, Klaude spent his day buying various things from around Angelle and searching around for suitable places to apologize. He had finally found a place and decided he would come back to it tomorrow to set it up. He went home that night, replaying various scenarios in his mind, thinking of the best words to say and the right time to say them. He knew this apology would have to be perfect. Because if it wasn't he knew he'd never have a chance at Valentina again. Why he thought that he'd never have a chance at Valentina again and not that their friendship would be mended made his heart beat twice as fast. He had realized too late that he wanted to be more than just friends and this realization made him fill with sorrow. Sorrow for how he had treated her that night, sorrow for how he couldn't protect her, and sorrow for how he might never get a chance to have her love. As these thoughts swelled through his mind, memories also started to pop up. When they had first met when he was 5 and she was 4, when they had played at the same park everyday, when he had found out she was being bullied, when he fought off those bullies and taught Valentina how to fight, all of these memories that came back made him smile lightly. His thoughts suddenly vanished when he heard a knock on his door,

"Come in," Klaude said.

It was Klaude's fencing instructor.

"I heard you were a little under the weather, so I came here to do an at home practice," The instructor stated.

Klaude simply nodded and said, "I'll be ready in 10 minutes."

The instructor gave a thumbs up and walked out of his room. While Klaude was getting ready, he could only think about the previous fencing lessons he had done with Valentina. How she looked at him when she fell, how their fingers intertwined when they were taking off her helmet, and even when they were silently cleaning up. Klaude thought he was fine, but when he looked at his complexion in the mirror he had realized he was bright red. His eyes widened and he tried to smear the pigment off his face. Feeling embarrassed, he did the only thing he could do in that moment, he wore a mask to fencing practice.

"Are you sure you want to wear a mask?" Said the instructor when he saw Klaude.

"Yes, I don't want to get you sick," Klaude lied.

The instructor nodded and they began their lesson. It wasn't long before Klaude's father came in to inspect Klaude's work. Klaude tried his best to ignore his dad but he could feel his dads glare from the corner of the room.

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Klaude and the instructor finished their session, and once the instructor had wished them well and walked out the house, Klaude's father immediately started giving criticisms towards Klaude. Saying various things such as, "your stance was shit, spread your legs farther," or, "you hold your sabre like a loser, straighten your grip on it." While Klaude wanted to scream at his father, all he could do was nod and not react. After his fathers criticisms had all been hurled, Klaude retreated back up to his bedroom where he quickly took off his shirt and laid on his bed. He placed one hand on his chest and the other on his head, his thoughts swelled, the only thing he could think about was Valentina. She had been plaguing his thoughts when he had confronted her in the art room. He sat back up and looked around at the supplies he had got. He nodded in approval of these various things and decided it was best just to sleep and prepare tomorrow.

VALENTINA AND KLAUDEEEWhere stories live. Discover now