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The stranger took off their hoodie. Only to reveal that they were Klaude's brother, Lance. Valentina's eyes widened and as she got up she held out her hand to help him. Lance smiled at her and took her hand. Once they were both up Valentina brought him into a deep embrace. Lance could feel his brother's jealousy, but he didn't care.

"I didn't expect you to come back this early," Klaude scoffed.

Lance finally released Valentina from their embrace and turned to Klaude. "I got all my credits early so I decided to come back and see my two favorite people." He stretched his arms out to encapsulate Valentina and Klaude. Klaude grabbed Valentina and he stepped back swiftly pulling Valentina with him. Valentina was confused by this but decided not to press about it. "When did you fly in?" She asked.

"Just today!" Lance responded enthusiastically.

"So I'd assume you already took back your room?" Klaude questioned.

Lance smiled and nodded, "Mom and dad already had everything ready for me! I was hoping I'd see you before school but you weren't there."

Klaude and Valentina looked at each other nervously. Klaude coughed before he said, "I was just going to drop something off before I went to school. That's why I wasn't there." Lance knew there was some falsehood in this statement but decided he wouldn't question it. He simply nodded and asked, "What class are you guys heading to?"

"Art." Klaude stated plainly.
Lance's eyes lighted up as he said, "Woah! I have that class too, we should walk together!"

The group went awkwardly quiet for a moment before Valentina interjected, "Yes! We're going to be late so let's go! Now!" She pulled the brothers sleeves, indicating that they should follow her. They both did and the three were on their way to art.

​​───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

Art class was different from usual, not due to the fact that there was a new student, but due to the fact that Klaude wasn't as flamboyant as he normally was. Whenever Valentina addressed him he'd act as he normally would, but when Lance did he would brush him to the side. "Lance must not be good at picking up social cues," she thought. "Lance, what are you going to paint for your project?" She asked him.

Lance thought about this before answering, "I don't know, I'm not a really good artist- maybe I'll just paint myself!"

Valentina chuckled at this, she realized how childish Lance could be at times and wondered if that's why Klaude disliked him.

"You're so good at painting Valentina, you need to show me how you do it one day." Lance said, peering over at her painting.

Valentina laughed, she wasn't used to compliments like this. "Thanks! I heard we have a group project soon so maybe then I can show you some tricks." Lance's eyes lit up when he heard this, when Valentina glanced at Klaude it seemed that his eyes had done the exact opposite.

Klaude interjected, "If it's a partner project Valentina and I will be together."

Valentina looked back at him, then back at Lance who didn't seem to be shaken by this. Valentina then said, "I heard it was for three people, so that's perfect for the three of us!"

"Oh that is perfect!" Lance said while he beamed.

Klaude sighed before agreeing with the group. He turned back to his painting and continued on. Valentina wondered why he was acting so strange.

​​───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

Class had ended and everyone scrambled to return the supplies and paintings back to their former places. Once everyone had done what was needed, they ushered out of the classroom and into the congested hallway. Valentina looked back at Klaude and Lance who seemed to actually be having a pleasant conversation for once. She smiled and turned to leave the classroom.

VALENTINA AND KLAUDEEEWhere stories live. Discover now