Chapter 6

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"We're practically already married!" I lift our joined hands up happily.

"I already bought the ring, just don't tell her yet." Itachi jokes and Shisui laughs. Naruto looks like can't figure out if Itachi is joking. I play along and hold my left hand up, inspecting my ring finger.

"Well I hope you bought the right size. My ring finger is a size 7."

Itachi nudges me. "Duly noted." I bring our joined hands up to my lips and I kiss the back of his hand.

"Oh barf!" Naruto exclaims, making pretend gagging noises.

"Oh whatever! Go buy me another drink. It better be the same size or else." I arch a brow at him and run a finger across my throat.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm goin." He grumbles and moves out of the booth.

He returns quickly and shoves my drink under my nose. "Here. I was told to tell you that you're needed for another round of shots at the bar." I hop up, lean over and chug down half of my new drink. I sigh loudly and smack my lips.

"Yummy! Watch that for me, will ya babe?" I lean further and kiss Itachi on the cheek.

"Sure thing." He smiles at me and turns back to what Sai was telling him.

"You're the best, love you." I call and run off. I don't turn around when I realize what I said. Oops, I for sure just dropped the L word. Okay just don't think about it, he probably didn't hear you. I maneuver around everyone and see a familiar face.

"Ten Ten!!" I scream and run into her arms. She gives me a big hug, almost falling over in my haste to get to her.

"Hey Y/N! Wow, you look good. How have you been? I heard you're with Itachi now?"

I blush, "Yeah, it's new. I just told him I loved him so we'll see how that goes over."

"What??" Ino shoves her way over to us. "You used the love word?"

"It slipped out." I shrug innocently. "I'm sure he didn't hear me..." They both eye me, not at all convinced. "Oh well. Fuck it, I'm owning it."

"You're so corny, here shot time. You get to take the first one since you're in the newest relationship." Ino slips the shot between her boobs and a little spills on her breasts. I look over at Ten Ten with a grin.

"Get this on video." She pulls her phone up and records with the flash on. I drag my tongue over Inos cleavage, making sure to clean them free of any spilled alcohol. I take the shot between my lips and shoot it back. I empty it and stick my tongue out at the camera as she ends it. She covers her mouth to keep from laughing.

"You're wild, I missed you so much." I bow and watch the video. I laugh when I see some guys face in the background and I point it out. The group falls apart laughing, and I clutch my stomach, trying to hold it together.

"Okay, who wants to do that to me?" I grin, shoving the shooter between my boobs. Tenten steps up, making sure to grab my hips, running her tongue on my skin. I laugh as she takes the shot. "That was hot! Let's go dance!"

"Ooh, one more shot first! These were on the house!" Sakura says as she walks up. I grab my pretty pink shot and slam it back. I scamper to the dance floor, Ino on my heels.

"Get up on the pole again." Ino whispers and I shrug. Fuck it. I hope you're watching Itachi! I jump up and Ino follows right behind me. I grab the pole with one hand and drop my body down it. "Remember that pole dancing class we took?"

"Yep!" I call back to her and we work around the pole in tandem, moving together with the music. I let my head fall back laughing as she looses balance and falls against me. She falls apart, giggling in my arms. "Okay okay. That's too much. We have a fan club!" I point to the small group of people who were watching us. Naruto was among them, holding up a fist full of money.

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