Chapher 7

523 6 1

"I said stop! Leave me alone!"

I attempt to push past him again, but he shoves me against the wall. "Kabuto stop, you're scaring me. I just want to go home."

"You mean you're going to go crawl in bed with Itachi right?" His eyes are filled with anger. I was too drunk to figure out why he was so mad.

"You cheated on me, remember? Why do you care what I do? I'm not your fucking problem anymore." I half yell. "You don't get to be pissed just because you couldn't keep your tiny dick in your pants. It's not my fucking fault-," my words are cut off when slaps me across the face. Hard.

My hand flies to my cheek, tears stinging my eyes. I see him raise his hand again and I flinch, expecting another blow to fall. Instead I hear hard contact of flesh on flesh and a grunt. I open my eyes, still holding my cheek to see Kabuto on the ground and Itachi standing over him.

Kabutos lip looked busted and Itachis knuckles looked like they had blood on them. I grab his arm and tug on it. "Itachi.. Itachi can we please leave? Please?" I beg, holding tears back. I couldn't handle this. Itachi whips his head to me with a glare on his face, and it only softens when our eyes meet.

"Yeah. Let's go." I speed walk away, keeping my head down and holding my still stinging cheek. We make it outside and I stand still, waiting for them to bring our car around.

I climb into the passenger seat, still silent. I feel myself shaking. Itachi puts a hand on my thigh and I grip onto it.

I can see him casting concerned glances at me every once and awhile. He finally speaks up when we're almost back to his place. "This might be a dumb question, but are you alright? It's okay if you're not."

I swallow and take a minute to answer. "I... I'm okay. Well. I'm not sure. I don't know what to think." I hear him sigh and I look over to him. "Are you okay?"

"Me? Yes. I wish I had hit him harder. I'm sorry if I scared you." He looks genuinely upset by this and I shake my head.

"You didn't. I promise." I sigh. I wasn't even drunk anymore, my run in with my ex sobered me right the fuck up. "Does anyone know?"

He shakes his head. "No. I went looking for you when you didn't come back to the table right away and that's when I saw you. I was...," he sighs. "I couldn't hear what you were both saying.. but I told myself that if you did anything I'd accept it. I just want you to be happy. That's when I saw him push you back into the wall. I started walking to you as soon as I realized you didn't want to be there... and that's when I saw him hit you." The hand gripping the steering wheel turned white he was holding it so hard.

I say nothing, thinking about what he had said. He was going to let me get back with Kabuto if that's what I had wanted? My heart melts. I see Itachi in a new light and I realize he is a better man than Kabuto will ever be. I lift our joined hands and kiss the back of his softly.

We're quiet for the rest of the ride and he parks in front of his massive house. "I'll never get over how nice your house is." I say, thinking of my own small apartment.

"My parents have good taste, I guess it runs in the family." He says before winking at me.

We walk up the stairs and as soon as we get to his huge room, I collapse onto the bed. I lift one leg up and start unlacing my heel. "Now that's a sight I could get used to."

I grin. "Pervert." I throw the heel on the floor and start on the other. As soon as I get it off I go to throw that one too and he grabs it. He tosses it lightly to the floor and grabs my leg. I gasp when his fingers run up and down my skin. He slowly guides my leg down, leaving me with my legs spread. He steps between them and leans down over me.

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