9. Lights, Camera, Action!

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Chapter 9

I start walking to the inside of the auditorium and sit down on the first empty chair I saw. I was contemplating whether to take tech theater or normal theater and even though tech theater would be closer to what I want, I am a natural born actress. When I was in Pre-K we were acting out a book and let's just say there was no other momma goose that could compare to me.

A few minutes go by and more and more students fill the room. I keep my eyes on my phone as I finally text my mom back letting her know I'm okay! (My mom gets worried quickly). I feel someone sitting down next to me on my right (Wait! Okay, yes he is on my right.) I look and it's none other than Mr. Taylor Glass. Or in other words an angel on Earth

"Hey!" Taylor says.

"Oh hey!" I say surprisingly loud.

"You have theater too?" He says gesturing to the stage.



We look into each other's eyes but then someone interrupts our moment. "Excuse me lovebirds." Mr. Bad Boy comes in.

"There weren't any seats left and there's one right next to you, Lizzie." He says as he squeezes through the row.

Movie Cliche Number 20. Now I don't know if it's jealousy but a boy interrupting a romantic moment with the girl he "likes" I mean come on it's a little on the nose if you ask me.

"It's Lindsay." I say.

"Yeah ok Libby."

"Hello class! I am Mr. Small." A kid laughs from the back of the room. We all know that one kid, am I right?

"Yeah I expected that. Anyway, shall I continue?"

He goes over the syllabus and how class works and I don't know what it is but I feel some tension with Taylor and Ron. Movie Cliche Number 21? "Hey Lindsay?" Taylor says.

"Yeah?" I ask.
"Is it just me or does Mr. Small kind of look like he has 12 cats waiting for him at home?" he says.

Before I could say anything Ron cuts in.

"It's just you." Ron says.

Oh yeah, definitely Movie Cliche Number 21.

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