12. Lights, Camera, Action!

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Chapter 12

I am now hiding in the restroom…yeah.

Just sitting in a stall. I’ll be spending the rest of class time here and returning until there are 5 minutes before the bell rings. Thank you very much. 

About 25 minutes pass before I leave the stall and I start making my way to class. I’m so nervous! And that’s not even the worst part. While I did make a fool of myself, what I’m actually worried about is the teacher. Now you might be thinking “Why would you be worried? She’s the teacher of a free period, shouldn't she be chill?” Yes. Yes she should be, but I know her type. Basically she is chill but because her class is a free period. Most students either sleep, talk to each other, or talk to her. She’s been doing this for what I assume to be 8-10 years. She has probably forgotten that she is a, I wanna say late 30’s if not a 40-some year old woman who isn’t a teenager in high school anymore. So she thinks she’s “chill” (Get it? Cuz I said chill and now I’m saying it again but this time in the correct way…I’m an idiot). When I walk through those doors I will receive a very snarky comment that these kids will laugh at. I know this because I am a part of that group of kids that would laugh. The comment will be somewhere between the lines of “Must’ve been real crowded in there?” or “Explosive Diarrhea?” but I am ready. If anything I deserve it. I sigh and open the doors. The class is already packing up. I try not to make eye contact but it’s inevitable.

“Did you fall down the toilet?”

Lights, Camera, Action!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora