13. Lights, Camera, Action!

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Chapter 13

The bell rings and I'm the first one out the doors. I (discreetly) look behind me and Taylors there. He's literally following me! Movie Cliche Number 26. You can never really escape an awkward situation, can you? Every turn I make, he makes. I finally reach my class and I wonder why he is still here? Doesn't he have an 8th period? Thankfully before I did anything stupid I just walked in and took my seat and it turns out he also has this class 8th period. I let out a sigh of relief because I was about to do something super embarrassing. I was about to turn around and tell him off. I was gonna say "Look I know I embarrassed myself back there but you don't have to mock me. It's creepy and rude to follow me to my class." (And by the way I'm starting to think maybe my stuttering wasn't as embarrassing as I thought and I'm just letting the whole main character thing go to my head). Thankfully though I kept my mouth shut, something I obviously didn't inherit from my mother. Imagine how embarrassing that would have been.

I look around the room and realize that Jasmine and Ariana also have this class, but they sit on the other side of the classroom. Luckily my sunny, always in a good mood partner shows up.

"Where'd you go last period?" he says.

Do I sense feelings?

"Why do you care?" I respond.

"I don't," he says.

"Trust me. I could seriously care less."

"Okay, sure." I say.

I just love it when the "enemy" catches feelings! Sadly this isn't fantasy because if it were we would be getting a "Who did this to you?" scene soon, but alas no. Still, I'll take what I can get!

"Hello Class!" Mr. Danbury says at the front of the room.

"So I've been thinking about what book we should read as a class and I've come down to..."

His voice trails off as I start to daydream. Personally, I love daydreaming. It's a nice way to escape what's going on. I like thinking about my future. My mom says I should focus on the present but I don't really like the present. The future's my only hope. However, recently I've been pretty interested about how things are going to turn out,

"So what do you think, Ms. Lincoln?" Mr. Danbury says.


"About what?" I say.

I know I shouldn't make it that obvious that I wasn't paying attention but I need some help to construct a good answer.

Ron holds in his laugh.

"Well, about the book." Mr. Danbury responds.

"Oh! I think that it is an excellent choice. I trust your judgment, Sir. I know you chose this book that will just grasp our attention." I say, lying through my teeth.

"Why, thank you Lindsay!" He says.

"Well, I hope everyone will be just as excited to read this book as Ms. Lincoln."

The class looks at me.

I just smile and die inside just a bit.

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