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179 words

I am not a man.
This is not self-deprecation
nor gender dysphoria speaking.
This is truth.

I am not a man!
I will never be a man!
I don't want to be a man!

Man is cruel
and painful,
all angles
sharp as blades.
Man is the quickening step
as I hear a noise
walking in the dark.
Man is the hatred
that strikes fear into those
different than himself.

Boy is softer,
hopeful and kind.
Boy is the child across the street,
who smiles brightly
and waves hello to everyone.
Boy is the ten-year-old
who orders just a water, please,
and says my pink hair
looks like a lollipop.

Oh, beautiful boy,
ignorant to the horrors
that plague the world of man.

Man puts his head in his hands
and regrets what he has done.
Boy holds the hand of another
and forgives the sun for sleeping at night.

I am not a man.
I will never be a man.
I don't want to be a man.

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