Forever will Never be Long Enough

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forever will never be long enough
161 words

The sky as dark as a midnight rain
holds the long-awaited, anticipated
storm narrowly at bay.
It lost three inches yesterday
it won't let up for a week.
When the air is clear
it's filled with smoke,
I'd close my window but
the fire might kill me first.

The empty fatigue yawns before me
I yearn for its cold embrace
but this one little warm light
refuses to let me sleep.
I wear a mask over my eyes at night
yet there it still is,

The light crawls in through the open window
in through my bare skin
it opens my eyes
I can't help but stare.
Each night I lay me down to sleep
into my soul the light does seep
it climbs into bed with me
holds onto me tightly
caresses my cheek.
The light rests its hand on my waist,
its lips on my neck,
my back to its chest,
and I feel content.

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