21 things that bother me

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A/N: The ones that are bolded bother me the most.


1. When people make squeaking noises with there mechanical pencils.

2. When people know I don't like them and they still talk to me.

3. When overly artistic people are around me.

4. Waiting.

5. When people cry about stupid things.

6. When people I don't like look at me.

7. When my dog jumps on people. (It just brothers me)

8. Two words: Ding Bat.

9. When people mess up on famous actors name.

10. People who are obsessed with the Kardashians.

11. When people overreact.

12. When people think that they are in a committed relationship when the guy sends the winkey emoji.

13. When a guy says "Hey" and the girls say I have a boyfriend.

14. When people take a joke seriously.

15. My hair. (only on occasion)

16. People who say "Black hair isn't real. Your hair is just dark, dark, DARK brown." (so it's black)

17. Bees.

18. People who say "Pit bulls are terrifying" Yeah about as terrifying as a baby laughing.

19. Babies.

20. Google Translate.

21. When "PEOPLE" correct me. (You know who you are)

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