"First Day Enclosing!"

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Most of us know how it feels on the first day of school,  you walk in and see all your old friends. They changed and you hate them no. It happens to the best of us, but you continue on to the first class of the first day. You meet the teacher and you already believe the rumors about how mean they are, so you prepped yourself for this day and than you find out they are going to be your favorite teacher. You  spent 2 hours prepping  and that time just flew out the door. 2 hours you are never going to get back, may I add. You go to second class excited that you met a nice teacher, but your second teacher is as horrid as the devil himself. You find out that your the only student that that teacher doesn't like, but you have you classroom hacks though.... hiding under desks like a 3 year old. Or my personal favorite throwing shoe and hitting the teacher square in the face with it. It all gets better though, by the end of the day  you've already been suspended for assaulting a teacher with a flip flop. Ahhh... I love the first day.

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