Why Do Midterms Even Exist?

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Okay, Can we just take a moment realize school sucks. No matter what grade your in and all you people who go to preforming art schools can stick a f... never my mind. Anyways, when in school, you take tests and when you take tests, you take midterms and when you take midterms, and when you take midterms you tell people, and when you tell people, people tell more people, and when people tell more people young children find out there future, and when young children find out there future they die at the tender age of 7, and when young children die at the tender age of 7, you hear about it, and when you hear about it you panic, and when you panic you run away to Mexico, and when you run away to Mexico you change your name to Juan Jesus Jose, and when you change your name to Juan Jesus Jose, you start selling donkey teeth. Don't sell donkey teeth switch to "Fuck This" now!

P.S: May cause severe stress and deformation of hair and face. May cause you to spend to much napping. My cause jet lag without the jet. 

This has been a message from "Fuck Midterms United." 

Thank You.

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