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Everyone loves summer and all. No school (except summer school) summer is "perfect."

*Reality hits you in the face*

Summer sucks.

Now I'm going to compare movie summers to reality summers. I will also include a movie that goes with that category.


Movies: We hang out everyday!! (High School Musical)

Reality: Who?


Movies: Fireworks and kissing. (Hercules)

Reality: Wait! It's a holiday? Why wasn't I informed?!?!?!?

Finding love:

Movies: We kissed and were now together. (Grease)

Reality: I saw a  guy at dunkin donuts holding a donut. His glaze was amazing...


Movies: Thigh gap, six pack, flat stomach, and huge muscles. (Magic Mike)

Reality:  Whale


Movies: We don't care what the cops says!

Reality: "I'm going to jail!!"

"Ma'am it's just a parking ticket."

So guys lets just be honest summer really sucks and truthfully I miss annoying my teachers half to death. JK!! Maybe

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