The truth

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I hop downstairs carefully with a smile on my face.
" Morning mom, morning dad! How was your sleep?", I ask.
My parents turn to look at me with the face are-you-okay. I know I don't really wake up hoping down the stairs like a weirdo, smile all morning, and even ask my parents some question that I never ask. But there's a reason for why I'm doing it today. Mom ready my favourite breakfast on the table. I stuff those in my mouth and pack my bag. As I sprint out, I say goodbye to my parents and grab my lunchbox. 

I see Lark was about to head to my house but stop when I ride my bike to catch up with her.
" Morning", I say with a smile on my face.
Lark pull the brake of her bike and turn to look at me suspiciously.
" What's wrong with you?", she asks trying to know if I was Kate.
" Nothing's wrong.", I say, sounding like I'm so okay,but actually I'm not. I give her a small smile just to convince her and try to take a  look at my watch. 10 more minutes till class starts .
" Come on! We're late!", I shout to Lark.
Off we pedal our bike to school.

Class starts right after we ran into class. Out footsteps echo hard through the hall way. As we are about to head it class silently, Ms. Cheryl turn to look at us like we are her prey.
" Late 5 minutes", she says. Her glasses shine back to our eyes, catching our attention. Ms. Cheryl is an very  serious person when it comes to late.

Lark and I head to our desks. I heard some people laugh at the back of the class and i just neglect those. After late journaling, Ms. Cheryl tell us to turn to the page 200 in our history book. We were learning about George Washington , my favourite president. I give a smile to his face.
" Please, read silently. After it, we will talk about it together." Ms. Cheryl says before she head to take a sip of coffee.
I flip the pages slowly in boredom until I was on the right page. I read silently as my mind fly away somewhere. It starts happening again. I daydream. This time ,under a mistletoe.

I look around. Snow is what I see. Layers of thick snow covered each other making it look very mountainous.
"Rrrrrr..", I shiver hardly, looking around if there are possible way to keep me warm for a moment.
A warm cloth wrap around my shoulder, giving me a relief of chillness.
I turn to look.
It was the BOY. He smiles at me as if we never met for years. My eyes shine sharply through his eyes, telling him how much I want to meet him.
" It's cold outside. Better wear a jacket." , he says.
Just like my mom. 

I smile back at him. He smiles back at me showing that he understands the smile on my face. It was awkward the first 15 seconds. So I manage to start the conversation.
"Oh. Can I ask for You know, at least I can know you better.", I say, trying not to be afraid.

Kate, you suck at talking.

Look, I'm asking him with force, so its pretty hard alright.

He gives out a sigh that makes me just want to go sit in the corner and regret what i have done.I'm sure he is disappointed to that. He looks at me and hold my hands tightly. I don't want to take my hands off.
" Okay......", he pauses for a pretty long time.
"My name is, Braden. Braden Luken. I am the son of Luken, God of Dreams.", he says with a frown on his face. My heart twisted together.
Oh no.
" What's wrong? It's okay. I know I'm bad at talking ,but I'll tell you my name. Don't worry.", I say cheering him up. 
" No I'm okay. It's's...urhh......", he shouts. He takes his hands off mine. I want to take them back and hold it again, but I can't.
He sniffs.
He's crying?
" Go home.", he commands.
What?! No! We are having a good time right? What's wrong?
"NOW!", he shouts.
His eyes are almost full with tears. It was gleaming back at me. I know he don't want to do this,but...

" Kate Hollery! " , Ms. Cheryl shouts.
I wake up.
" Yes!", I say quickly, taking my head up from my desk.
Then the laugh start. I look at Lark. She was trying to let them quiet down.
Ms. Cheryl look at me very angrily. I know that face. It means either I'm going to the office or I'm going to write standards.
"I'm sorry", I say pretending to feel bad about myself.
" Read the entire page", Ms. Cheryl says. "Out loud", she continues.
I frown. This is even worse than being scold by the principal.
I start reading. My mind is off the letters on the page. I was thinking why.... Braden.....let me go. By that, I can't believe I just met.....the son of the goddess of .......dreams.

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